Natural Date - Alpha

Natural language date parser in Ruby. natural-date can convert from plain text to date expressions that can symbolize both single dates and recurrent dates.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'natural-date'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install natural-date


require 'natural-date'

# First you need to create a NaturalDateExpressionFactory with a specific locale.
# Only pt-BR and en is supported by now.
factory =

# Then create a natural date expression passing a string expression and a reference date.
# In the example below as we set the reference date to 9th of Dezember, 2016 the natural_date is
# going to match only '2017-8-1'.
# When no reference date is provided the is going to be used.
natural_date = factory.create('1th of august', Date.parse('2016-12-9'))

# NaturalDateExpression does not generate Dates (due it can represent a 
# recurrent date expression like 'every monday') instead you need to 
# match a particular date to the expression using the *=~* or *match?*.
puts natural_date =~, 8, 1) # => false
puts natural_date =~, 8, 1) # => true 

# or using match?
natural_date.match?(, 8, 1))
# => false
natural_date.match?(, 8, 1))
# => true

# You can also get some matched dates in a given interval
natural_date.fetch_dates( + 5))
# => array with dates matched inside the interval

# If you don't pass any interval a default interval of reference_date..reference_date + 365 will be given
# => array with dates matched inside the interval

Types of expressions

You can create lots of different types of expressions, using days months, years and week days, the expression can refer both single and recurring dates.

  • Days: Can be written as numbers 1..31 or ordinals like ['1st'..'31st'].
  • Months: Can be written using the whole name ['January'..'December'] or using the first 3 letters ['Jan'..'Dec'], also they are case insensitive 'JAN' == 'Jan' == 'jAn' also you can use numbers if you use the 'of' world before '1 of 12' == '1st December'.
  • Years: You can write the year as usual 4 digits number like 2016 or you can ignore the year, if you ignore it the year is going to be guessed based on the expression and the reference date
  • Week Days: As months you can write both whole name and abbreviation (first 3 letters) 'monday' == 'mon'.
# first you need to create a Factory based on a language, nowadays only english and brazilian portuguese are available.
factory =

# Day and month
factory.create('1st of November, 2016')
# => '1st November 2016'
factory.create('1 sep 2016')
# => '1st September 2016'
factory.create('1 of 1 2016')
# => '1st September 2016'
factory.create('1 of July',, 1, 1)
# => '1st July 2016' due the reference date is before '1st July, 2016'
factory.create('1st of Apr',, 9, 9)
# => '1st April 2017' due the reference date is after '1st April, 2016'

# Multiple days in a month
factory.create('1 8 and 15 of July, 2016')
# => ['1st July 2016', '8th July 2016', '15th July 2016']
factory.create('1st 8 and 15th of September, 2016')
# => ['1st July 2016', '8th July 2016', '15th July 2016'], not the best consistency but still ok

# Single day in multiple months
factory.create('1 of July and August 2016')
# => ['1st July 2016', '1st August 2016']

# Multiple days and multiple months
factory.create('1, 7 of May and March 2016')
# => ['1st May 2016', '7st May 2016', '1st March, 2016', '7st March 2016']

# You can also set ranges in both days and months using *till* or *until*
factory.create('1 till 7 of Jan 2016')
# => ['1st January 2016'..'7st January 2016']
factory.create('1 of Jan until April 2016')
# => ['1st January 2016', '1st January 2016', '1st January 2016', '1st January 2016']

# Also you can set week days like 'monday', 'sunday', 'sat'
factory.create('every monday of January')
# => every monday of January any year
factory.create('every monday and friday')
# => every monday and friday of any month and any year.

# You can also pass several dates expressions using a ';' or a '\n' to separate them
factory.create('1 2 of May 2016 ; 3 4 June 2016')
# => ['1st May 2016', '2nd May 2016', '3rd June 2016', '4th June 2016']

factory.create("1 May 2016\n4 June 2016")
# => ['1st May 2016', '4th June 2016']


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/natural-date. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.