# Sample common configuration for NCS Navigator. By default the suite
# applications will expect to find a customized version of this file
# in /etc/nubic/ncs/navigator.ini.

[Study Center]
# Information about the study center which is using this deployment of
# NCS Navigator. Each NCS Navigator instance is only for one study
# center.

# The ID for the study center from the MDES
sc_id = "20000000"

# The recruitment strategy code for the center from the MDES.  The
# acceptable values for this element are the values in the code list
# recruit_type_cl1 in the MDES. In MDES 2.0, these are the values:
#  1 => Enhanced Household Enumeration
#  2 => Provider-Based
#  3 => Two-Tier
#  4 => Original VC
recruitment_type_id = "3"

# A short (5 chars or less) human-readable abbreviation for the study
# center.
short_name = 'MSC'

# A pointer to a CSV describing the sampling units for this study
# center.  If the path is not absolute it will be resolved relative to
# this file.
# The CSV must have the following header (along with the contents it
# implies):
# While this format allows for multiple PSUs, NCS Navigator currently
# only supports one per deployment. This will change in the future
# when multiple PSUs are active per center.
# TSU_ID and TSU_NAME may be omitted for centers that are not on
# Hi-Lo.
# AREA is an intermediate concept introduced by NCS Navigator. It
# allows the grouping of one or more SSUs for ease of reporting
# something (e.g., outreach events) across all of them. If a center
# doesn't wish to make use of this concept, the AREA should be made
# the same as the SSU_NAME.
sampling_units_file = "sample_ssus.csv"

# The name of the institutional user identity used in NCS
# Navigator. E.g., for the Greater Chicago Study Center, this is the
# Northwestern NetID. The default is "Username" if nothing is
# specifed.
#username = "NetID"

# The absolute path to local files containing logos that should appear
# on either end of the footer in Staff Portal and Core.
#footer_logo_left = "/etc/nubic/ncs/logos/sc_20000000L.png"
#footer_logo_right = "/etc/nubic/ncs/logos/sc_20000000R.png"

# The text that should appear in the center of the footer in Staff
# Portal and Core. Line breaks in this text will be preserved.
footer_text = "National Children's Study - Greater Chicago Study Center
Institute for Healthcare Studies, Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University
420 East Superior, 10th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611"

[Staff Portal]
# Configuration options which are used by or which describe Staff
# Portal in this instance of the suite.

# The root URI for Staff Portal.
uri = "https://staffportal.greaterchicagoncs.org/"

# The e-mail address from which mail sent by Staff Portal will
# appear to come.
mail_from = "[email protected]"

# Configuration options which are used by or which describe NCS
# Navigator Core in this instance of the suite.

# The root URI for NCS Navigator Core.
uri = "https://ncsnavigator.greaterchicagoncs.org/"

# The e-mail address from which mail sent by Core will
# appear to come.
mail_from = "[email protected]"

# The password used by Cases to log into other NCS-related applications.
machine_account_password = "supersecret"

# If a merge conflict is detected in Cases, emails will be sent to these
# addresses.  Separate multiple addresses with commas.
conflict_email_recipients = "Foo Example <[email protected]>"

# Configuration options which describe PSC as used by this instance of
# the suite. (For now, PSC's own configuration options must be set
# through its configuration interfaces.)

# The root URI for PSC.
uri = "https://calendar.greaterchicagoncs.org/"

# Configuration for the SMTP server for MDES Warehouse, Staff Portal,
# and NCS Navigator Core.

# The hostname or IP of the SMTP server to use to send mail from the
# suite. Default is localhost.
#host = "localhost"

# The port to use to communicate with the SMTP server. Default is 25.
#port = "25"

# The domain to use in SMTP HELO, if necessary. Default is none.
#domain =

# The type of authentication your SMTP server uses. Default is
# none. Legal values are "plain", "login", or "cram_md5".
#authentication =

# The username to use to authenticate to the SMTP server, if
# necessary. Default is none.
#username =

# The password to use to authenticate to the SMTP server, if
# necessary. Default is none.
#password =

# Whether to use STARTTLS if your SMTP server supports it. Default is false.
#starttls = false