Needle in a Haystack


Table of Contents



The HaystackTag class represents tags in a hierarchical structure. Each tag can have a parent tag and multiple child tags. This model is used to create and manage a tree structure of tags.


  • name: The name of the tag (required and unique).
  • description: A description of the tag (required).
  • parent_tag: An optional reference to the parent tag.


  • name: Must be present and unique.
  • description: Must be present.
  • prevent_circular_reference: Prevents circular references in the tag hierarchy.


  • belongs_to :parent_tag: Refers to the parent tag.
  • has_many :children: Refers to the child tags.
  • has_many :haystack_taggings: Refers to the taggings that use this tag.
  • has_many :taggables: Refers to the objects tagged with this tag.


  • ancestors: Returns an array of all ancestor tags.
  • full_path: Returns the full path of the tag in the tree structure.
  • self.find_by_path(path): Finds a tag based on a path.
  • descendants: Returns an array of all descendant tags.
  • siblings: Returns an array of all sibling tags.
  • root?: Checks if the tag is a root tag.
  • leaf?: Checks if the tag is a leaf tag.
  • depth: Returns the depth of the tag in the tree structure.

Example Usage

# Creating a new tag
root_tag = HaystackTag.create(name: "root", description: "Root tag")

# Creating a child tag
child_tag = HaystackTag.create(name: "child", description: "Child tag", parent_tag: root_tag)

# Getting the full path of a tag
puts child_tag.full_path # Output: "root > child"

# Getting all ancestor tags
ancestors = child_tag.ancestors


The HaystackTagging class represents the relationship between tags and taggable objects (polymorphic). This model is used to tag objects with HaystackTag tags.


  • belongs_to :haystack_tag: Refers to the HaystackTag.
  • belongs_to :taggable: Refers to the taggable object (polymorphic).

Example Usage

# Creating a new tagging
tag = HaystackTag.find_by(name: "child")
device = Device.find(1) # Example of a taggable object
tagging = HaystackTagging.create(haystack_tag: tag, taggable: device)

Ontology and Factory


The HaystackOntology class is responsible for managing the ontology of tags. It provides methods to load, find, and create tags based on a YAML configuration file.

Key Methods

  • self.tags: Loads the tags from the config/haystack_ontology.yml file and caches them.
  • self.find_tag(path): Finds a tag based on a given path. It supports both flat and hierarchical paths.
  • self.find_tag_in_hierarchy(current_hash, target_key, path = []): Recursively searches for a tag in a nested hash structure.
  • self.create_tags: Uses the HaystackFactory to create tags from the loaded ontology.
  • self.find_or_create_tag(name): Finds or creates a tag based on the name using the HaystackFactory.
  • self.import_full_ontology: Imports the full ontology by creating all tags.


The HaystackFactory class is responsible for creating and managing tags and taggings. It uses a strategy pattern to allow different tag creation strategies.

Key Methods

  • initialize(tag_strategy = Initializes the factory with a given tag strategy.
  • create_tag(name, description): Creates a tag using the current strategy.
  • create_tagging(tag, taggable): Creates a tagging for a taggable object.
  • find_or_create_tag(name, attributes = {}): Finds or creates a tag with the given attributes.
  • create_tags(tag_hash, parent_tag = nil): Recursively creates tags from a nested hash structure.

How They Work Together

  1. Loading Tags: HaystackOntology loads the tags from the YAML file using the self.tags method.
  2. Finding Tags: HaystackOntology can find tags based on a path using the self.find_tag and self.find_tag_in_hierarchy methods.
  3. Creating Tags: HaystackOntology uses the self.create_tags method to create tags. This method initializes a HaystackFactory with an OntologyTagStrategy and calls the factory's create_tags method.
  4. Finding or Creating Tags: HaystackOntology uses the self.find_or_create_tag method to find or create a tag. This method initializes a HaystackFactory with an OntologyTagStrategy and calls the factory's find_or_create_tag method.
  5. Importing Full Ontology: HaystackOntology uses the self.import_full_ontology method to import the full ontology by calling the self.create_tags method.

Example Usage

# Load and create all tags from the ontology

# Find a specific tag by path
tag = HaystackOntology.find_tag("root.child")

# Find or create a tag by name
tag = HaystackOntology.find_or_create_tag("child")

Query Strategies

The query strategies are used to bind several data objects together based on their tags. This is achieved using the Strategy design pattern, which allows different query strategies to be implemented and executed dynamically.


The QueryContext class is responsible for executing a given strategy. It takes a strategy as an argument and calls the execute method on that strategy.

Example Usage

# Define a strategy
strategy =, tags)

# Create a context with the strategy
context =

# Execute the strategy
result = context.execute


The QueryStrategy class is an abstract base class for all query strategies. It defines an execute method that must be implemented by subclasses.

class CustomStrategy < QueryStrategy def execute # Custom query logic end end

  strategy =
  context =
  result = context.execute


The FindByTagsStrategy class is a concrete implementation of QueryStrategy. It finds records that are associated with any of the given tags.

  tags = [tag1, tag2]
  strategy =, tags)
  context =
  result = context.execute


The FindPointsWithTagStrategy class is a concrete implementation of QueryStrategy. It finds records that are associated with a specific tag.

HaystackTag Validations and Associations

The HaystackTag model includes comprehensive validations and associations to ensure data integrity and support hierarchical relationships.

RSpec.describe HaystackTag, type: :model do
  describe "validations and associations" do
    subject { build(:haystack_tag) }

    # Validations
    it { validate_presence_of(:name) }
    it { validate_presence_of(:description) }

    # Associations
    it { belong_to(:parent_tag).class_name("HaystackTag").optional }
    it { have_many(:children).class_name("HaystackTag").with_foreign_key("parent_tag_id").dependent(:destroy).inverse_of(:parent_tag) }
    it { have_many(:haystack_taggings).dependent(:destroy) }
    it { have_many(:taggables).through(:haystack_taggings).source(:taggable) }

Duplicate Name Validation

HaystackTag ensures unique tag names within the same parent but allows identical names across different parents.

  context "when creating duplicate names" do
    it "validates uniqueness within the same parent" do
      parent = create(:haystack_tag)
      create(:haystack_tag, name: "test", parent_tag: parent)
      duplicate = build(:haystack_tag, name: "test", parent_tag: parent)

      expect(duplicate).not_to be_valid
      expect(duplicate.errors[:name]).to include("Must be unique in same category")

    it "allows the same name under different parents" do
      parent1 = create(:haystack_tag)
      parent2 = create(:haystack_tag)
      create(:haystack_tag, name: "test", parent_tag: parent1)
      tag2 = build(:haystack_tag, name: "test", parent_tag: parent2)

      expect(tag2).to be_valid

Hierarchy Functionality

The HaystackTag model supports hierarchical operations such as identifying roots, leaves, depth, and ancestor relationships.

  describe "hierarchy functionality" do
    let(:root) { create(:haystack_tag, name: "root") }
    let(:child) { create(:haystack_tag, name: "child", parent_tag: root) }
    let(:grandchild) { create(:haystack_tag, name: "grandchild", parent_tag: child) }

    context "basic hierarchy methods" do
      it "identifies root and leaf nodes correctly" do
        expect(root.root?).to be true
        expect(child.root?).to be false
        expect(grandchild.leaf?).to be true
        expect(child.leaf?).to be false

      it "calculates depth accurately" do
        expect(root.depth).to eq(0)
        expect(child.depth).to eq(1)
        expect(grandchild.depth).to eq(2)

      it "returns correct ancestors" do
        expect(grandchild.ancestors).to eq([child, root])
        expect(child.ancestors).to eq([root])
        expect(root.ancestors).to be_empty

Path Operations

HaystackTag provides methods for finding tags based on hierarchical paths.

  context "path operations" do
    it "retrieves tags by valid paths" do
      expect(HaystackTag.find_by_path("root")).to eq(root)
      expect(HaystackTag.find_by_path("root.child")).to eq(child)
      expect(HaystackTag.find_by_path("root.child.grandchild")).to eq(grandchild)

    it "handles invalid paths gracefully" do
      expect(HaystackTag.find_by_path("invalid")).to be_nil
      expect(HaystackTag.find_by_path("root.invalid")).to be_nil

Descendant and Sibling Operations

The HaystackTag model supports efficient retrieval of descendants and siblings.

  context "sibling and descendant operations" do
    let(:sibling) { create(:haystack_tag, name: "sibling", parent_tag: root) }

    it "returns all descendants correctly" do
      expect(root.descendants).to contain_exactly(child, grandchild, sibling)
      expect(child.descendants).to contain_exactly(grandchild)
      expect(grandchild.descendants).to be_empty