

Negroku support process monitoring via the Eye gem. Currently adds monitoring to

  • unicorn
  • puma
  • thinking_sphinx
  • delayed_job

Each monitor can be further customized using variables.

set: eye_<process>_<setting>, <value>

The main setting that can be customized are timeouts and grace times.

# chain grace time
set: eye_chain_grace, 30.seconds

# delayed job timeouts
set: eye_delayed_job_start_timeout, 20.seconds
set: eye_delayed_job_stop_timeout, 1.minute
set: eye_delayed_job_restart_timeout, 1.minute

# For puma
set: eye_puma_start_grace, 45.seconds
set: eye_puma_stop_grace, 30.seconds
set: eye_puma_restart_grace, 2.minutes

Monitor custom processes

If you have other processes in your applicacion you can monitor them using the watch_process method in your deploy.rb file

You'll need to setup the start_command, stop_command and pid location.

watch_process(:other_process, template: :process,
                              start_command: "process start",
                              stop_command: "process stop",
                              start_timeout: 50.seconds,
                              restart_grace: 1.minutes,
                              pid_file: "path/to/pid"

Deprecation Notice: eye:watch_process task is being called before the setup. This is not longer needed and is deprecated. You should add the process watch_process() directly in the deploy.rb


Remote Console

Negroku adds support to remotelly connect to the rails console integrating de capistrano-rails-console gem.

cap <stage> rails:console
cap <stage> rails:console sandbox=1


Note: By default we are not adding any path to the cron execution PATH. It's up the you to add the needed path to the PATH variable in the cron file.


You can change some defaults adding this variables to your deploy.rb

  1. Template default tempalte is bash -lc ':job'

    set :whenever_template, "bash -lc ':job'" #default
    set :whenever_template, "PATH=./bin:$PATH && bash -lc ':job'" #add location to the path


You can stream al the application logs from the server.

# to get all application logs
cap production logs

# to get all nginx logs
cap production logs:nginx

# to get the nginx access or error logs only
cap production logs:nginx:access
cap production logs:nginx:error

You can pass an argument with the number of line to show in the beginning

# to get the nginx access logs starting with 1000 lines
cap production logs:nginx:access[1000]

The build in supported log tasks are

  • logs:nginx:access
  • logs:nginx:error
  • logs:delayed_job:out
  • logs:eye:app
  • logs:puma:error
  • logs:puma:access
  • logs:rails:app
  • logs:sphinx:out
  • logs:sphinx:query
  • logs:unicorn:error
  • logs:unicorn:out
  • logs:whenever:out

The will be loaded based on what module you loaded in your Capfile

Custom Logs

If you have other logs in your applicacion you can add them to the log task using the define_logs method in your deploy.rb file

This assume that your logs are in the shared/logs folder

define_logs(:other_process, {
  error: 'other_process_error.log',
  out: 'other_process_out.log'

With that you will have a new other_process task

  • logs:other_process:error
  • logs:other_process:out