Netlify Ruby Client

Netlify is a hosting service for the programmable web. It understands your documents, processes forms and lets you do deploys, manage forms submissions, inject javascript snippets into sites and do intelligent updates of HTML documents through it's API.

The basic flow to using the ruby client is:

  1. Authenticate (via credentials or a previously aquired access token)
  2. Get site (via id)
  3. Deploy
    • If site has not been deployed to yet, then the above step will throw a not found exception, and you'll need to use Netlify.sites.create to create the site and do the initial deploy.
    • If the site has already been deployed and the above step was successful, you can simply use site.update to re-deploy.

If you'd rather, there's also a command line utility to handle most of these steps: Netlify deploy.


Install the gem by running

gem install netlify

or put it in a Gemfile and run bundle install

gem netlify


Register a new application at to get your Oauth2 secret and key.

Once you have your credentials you can instantiate a Netlify client.

Netlify = => "YOUR_API_KEY", :client_secret => "YOUR_API_SECRET")

Before you can make any requests to the API, you'll need to authenticate with OAuth2. The Netlify client supports two OAuth2 flows.

If you're authenticating on behalf of a user, you'll need to get a valid access token for that user. Use the Netlify client to request an authentication URL:

url = Netlify.authorize_url(:redirect_uri => "")

The user then visits that URL and will be prompted to authorize your application to access his Netlify sites. If she grants permission, she'll be redirected back to the redirect_uri provided in the authorize_url call. This URL must match the redirect url configured for your Netlify application. Once the user comes back to your app, you'll be able to access a code query parameter that gives you an authorization code. Use this to finish the OAuth2 flow:

Netlify.authorize!(token, :redirect_uri => "")

If you're not authenticating on behalf of a user you can authorize directly with the API credentials. Just call:


If you already have an OAuth2 access_token you can instantiate the client like this:

Netlify = => access_token)

And the client will be ready to do requests without having to use authorize_from_credentials. This means that once you've gotten a token via authorize_from_credentials! you can store it and reuse it for later sessions.

If you're authenticating via the access_token and you'd like to test if you have a valid access_token, you can attempt to make a request with the Netlify client and if the token is invalid, a Netlify::Client::AuthenticationError will be raised. See Miles Matthias' Netlify Rakefile for an example.


Getting a list of all sites you have access to:

Netlify.sites.each do |site|
  puts site.url

Each site has a unique, system generated id. Getting a specific site by id:

site = Netlify.sites.get(id)

Creating a site from a directory: (note the path given is a system path)

site = Netlify.sites.create(:dir => "my-site")

You'll want to then save that site id for future reference. Note that a site can also be looked up by its url.

Creating a site from a zip file:

site = Netlify.sites.create(:zip => "/tmp/")

Both methods will create the site and upload the files to a new deploy.

Creating a site with a dir or a zip is actually a shortcut for this:

site = Netlify.sites.create(:name => "unique-site-subdomain", :custom_domain => "")
deploy = site.deploys.create(:dir => "path/to/my-site")

Use wait_for_ready to wait until a site has finished processing.

site = Netlify.sites.create(:dir => "/tmp/my-site")
site.state == "ready"

This also works on a specific deploy, and you can pass in a block to execute after each polling action:

deploy = site.deploys.create(:dir => "/tmp/my-site")
deploy.wait_for_ready do |deploy|
  puts "Current state: #{deploy.state}"

Redeploy a site from a dir:

site = Netlify.sites.get(site_id)
deploy = site.deploys.create(:dir => "/tmp/my-site")

Redeploy a site from a zip file:

site = Netlify.sites.get(site_id)
deploy = site.deploys.create(:zip => "/tmp/")

Update the name of the site (its subdomain), the custom domain and the notification email for form submissions:

    site.update(:name => "my-site", :custom_domain => "", :notification_email => "[email protected]", :password => "secret-password")

Deleting a site:



Access all deploys for a site

site = Netlify.sites.get(site_id)

Access a specific deploy

site = Netlify.sites.get(site_id)
deploy = site.deploys.get(id)

Publish a deploy (makes it the current live version of the site)


Create a new deploy

deploy = site.deploys.create(:dir => "/tmp/my-site")

Create a draft deploy

deploy = site.deploys.draft(:dir => "/tmp/my-site")


deploy = site.deploys.create(:dir => "/tmp/my-site", :draft => true)

This will upload and process a deploy. You can view the deploy at deploy.deploy_url and make it the live version of the site with deploy.publish.

Continuous Deployment

You can also configure continuous deployment for a new or existing site from the Ruby client.

You'll need a Github access token (this will never get sent to Netlify) in addition to your Netlify token. Make sure this access token have the permission to add a deploy key and a web hook to your repository.

Create a new site with continuous deployment:

client.sites.create(:github => {
    :repo => "netlify/example",
    :dir => "build",
    :cmd => "middleman build",
    :access_token => GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN

Configure continuous deployment for an existing site:

  :repo => "netlify/example",
  :dir => "build",
  :cmd => "middleman build",
  :access_token => GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN


Access all forms you have access to:


Access forms for a specific site:

    site = Netlify.sites.get(id)

Access a specific form:

    form = Netlify.forms.get(id)

Access a list of all form submissions you have access to:


Access submissions from a specific site

    site = Netlify.sites.get(id)

Access submissions from a specific form

    form = Netlify.forms.get(id)

Get a specific submission



Access all files in a site:

    site = Netlify.sites.get(id)

Get a specific file:

    file = site.files.get(path) # Example paths: "/css/main.css", "/index.html"

Reading a file:


Snippets are small code snippets injected into all HTML pages of a site right before the closing head or body tag. To get all snippets for a site:

site = Netlify.sites.get(id)

Get a specific snippet


Add a snippet to a site.

You can specify a general snippet that will be inserted into all pages, and a goal snippet that will be injected into a page following a successful form submission. Each snippet must have a title. You can optionally set the position of both the general and the goal snippet to head or footer to determine if it gets injected into the head tag or at the end of the page.

  :general => general_snippet,
  :general_position => "footer",
  :goal => goal_snippet,
  :goal_position => "head",
  :title => "My Snippet"

Update a snippet

  :general => general_snippet,
  :general_position => "footer",
  :goal => goal_snippet,
  :goal_position => "head",
  :title => "My Snippet"

Remove a snippet
