data_magic (updated version)

This gem is ported from the original data_magic gem -> here. Please read the original documentation first. I created this to make sure the gem stays updated with its dependencies. (The original gem seems to be unmaintained)

How to Use


  • Ruby >= 2.5.1
  • Faker >= 1.9

Update your Gemfile to

gem 'data_magic', git: '', branch: 'master'

Then run

bundle install

Any other configuration is exactly same as the original gem.

NOTE: If you have previously used older version of Faker, I suggest you to install rubocop-faker to automatically update from positional arguments to named arguments.

New & Updated Generator

Here is a list of the new and updated methods:

new methods added updated methods replaced methods
color_hex job_title1 title
number(digits=5, leading_zero=true)
decimal(before_decimal=5, after_decimal=3)
merge(separator='_', [first_name, city, number(digits=3)])
date_between(from='01/01/2021', to='31/01/2021', format='%d/%m/%Y')

1 In newer version of Faker, Faker::Name.title is changed to Faker::Job.title

Copyright (c) 2012-2021 Jeffrey S. Morgan. See LICENSE for details.