Nexpose Magic is a project created by Matthew Spah to help Nexpose Admins pull information from their consoles on the command line.

It is currently in alpha stage and should only be used for testing purposes.

Required files:


Nexpose Magic uses the arugments supplied by -u (–user), -p (–password), -i (–ip), -t (–port) to make the connection the the nexpose console. If no port is supplied, then the default nexpose port 3780 will be used.

To display information about a specific scan engine: - nexmagic.rb -i -u nexposeuser -p password -e [–engine] <engine ID>

To display nexpose site information: - nexmagic.rb -i -u nexposeuser -p password -t [–site] <site ID>

To display scans that are currently running on your nexpose console: - nexmagic.rb -i -u nexposeuser -p password -v [–vscans]

To display a table list of either all sites or engines present on a console: - nexmagic.rb -i -u nexposeuser -p password -l [–list] <scans | engines>

To display command line help: - nexmagic.rb -h