Changelog | NHKore

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

Format is based on Keep a Changelog v1.0.0, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning v2.0.0.



[v0.3.14] - 2022-07-24


  • --loop option to search command so can run web search (search engine) multiple times since this usually doesn't get all results if only do once.


  • Updated gems (nokogiri).

[v0.3.13] - 2022-04-27


  • Updated gems (nokogiri).
  • Added rss gem (no longer included with Ruby core).

[v0.3.12] - 2022-02-27


  • Updated nokogiri gem for Dependabot security vulnerability.


  • Added border/frame to post install message in Gemspec.

[v0.3.11] - 2021-10-25


  • Updated nokogiri gem for Dependabot security vulnerability.

[v0.3.10] - 2021-07-13


  • Updated public_suffix gem, which has a dependency on addressable gem vulnerability found by Dependabot.

[v0.3.9] - 2021-06-26


  • Reverted App#refresh_cmd() back to not copying over the default_proc (from v0.3.8). Because the old code didn't know about this, it created some unintended issues with command options. Nothing major, but for example, specifying output.html with the sift command would not produce HTML output (however, using the -e html option still worked). This is the only instance that I know of, but reverting the code back in case of more instances. In the future, I'll need to thoroughly test all CLI options after changing App#refresh_cmd() to copy over the default_proc, but for now, not worrying about it (as it's not necessary).

[v0.3.8] - 2021-06-26


  • Fixed App#refresh_cmd() to also copy Cri's default_proc to the new Hash for the command options.
  • Fixed to check for non-strings for JSON & URI.
    • For JSON, convert StringIO to string in DictScraper.scrape().
    • For URL, convert URL using URI() because URI.parse() will crash with a non-string (URI object) in Scraper.open_url().
  • Fixed to scrape multiple HTML Ruby tag words (instead of just 1).
    • I thought multiple Ruby bases/texts (<rb>/<rt>) were invalid, but after running into the article below and checking the HTML with a validator, it's actually valid HTML:


  • Formatted/Linted all code using RuboCop.
  • Updated Gems.

[v0.3.7] - 2020-11-07


  • Updated Gem attr_bool to v0.2
  • Changed upper-case '-V' flag for version to be a lower-case '-v'
    • Seems like a lot of apps/people expect this
  • Refactored/Formatted some code
    • nhkore.gemspec especially
  • Added samples/, Gemfile.lock, and .yardopts to the files in nhkore.gemspec


[v0.3.6] - 2020-08-18


  • update_showcase Rake task for development & personal site (GitHub Page)
    • $ bundle exec rake update_showcase


  • Updated Gems


[v0.3.5] - 2020-05-04



  • Fixed URLs stored in YAML data to always be of type String (not URI)
    • This initially caused a problem in DictScraper.parse_url() from ArticleScraper, but fixed it for all data

[v0.3.4] - 2020-04-25


  • DatetimeParser
    • Extracted from SiftCmd into its own class
    • Fixed some minor logic bugs from the old code
    • Added new feature where 1 range can be empty:
      • sift ez -d '...2019' (from = 1924)
      • sift ez -d '2019...' (to = current year)
      • sift ez -d '...' (still an error)
  • Added update_core rake task for dev
    • Makes pushing a new release much easier
    • See Hacking.Releasing section in README


  • SiftCmd parse_sift_datetime() for -d/--datetime option
    • Didn't work exactly right (as written in README) for some special inputs:
      • -d '2019...3'
      • -d '3-3'
      • -d '3'

[v0.3.3] - 2020-04-23


  • Added JSON support to Sifter & SiftCmd.
  • Added use of attr_bool Gem for attr_accessor? & attr_reader?.

[v0.3.2] - 2020-04-22


  • lib/nhkore/lib.rb
    • Requires all files, excluding CLI-related files for speed when using this Gem as a library.
  • Scraper
    • Added open_file() & reopen().
  • samples/looper.rb
    • Script example of continuously scraping all articles.


    • Finished writing the initial version of all sections.
  • ArticleScraper
    • Changed the year param to expect an int, instead of a string.
  • Sifter
    • In filter_by_datetime(), renamed keyword args from_filter,to_filter to simply from,to.


  • Reduced load time of app a tiny bit more (see v0.3.1 for details).
  • ArticleScraper
    • Renamed mode param to strict. mode was overshadowing's in Scraper.

[v0.3.1] - 2020-04-20


  • Fleshed out more of README.
  • NewsCmd/SiftCmd
    • Added --no-sha256 option to not check if article links have already been scraped based on their contents' SHA-256.
  • Util
    • Changed dir_str?() and filename_str?() to check any slash. Previously, it only checked the slash for your system. But now on both Windows & Linux, it will check for both / & \.


  • Reduced load time of app from about 1s to about 0.3-0.5s.
    • Moved many require '...' statements into methods.
    • It looks ugly & is not good coding practice, but a necessary evil.
    • Load time is still pretty slow (but a lot better!).
  • BingScraper
    • Fixed possible RSS infinite loop.

[v0.3.0] - 2020-04-12


  • UserAgents
    • Tons of random User-Agent strings for Scraper.


  • BingCmd => SearchCmd
    • Major (breaking) change.
    • Changed $ nhkore bing easy to:
      • $ nhkore search easy bing
      • $ nhkore se ez b
  • App
    • Added options:
      • --color (force color output for demos)
      • --user-agent (specify a custom HTTP header field User-Agent)
    • If out_dir is empty, don't prompt if okay to overwrite.
  • README/nhkore.gemspec
    • Added more info.
    • Changed description.


  • Scraper/BingScraper
    • Big fix.
    • Fixed to get around bing's strictness.
      • Use a random User-Agent from UserAgents.
      • Set HTTP header field cookie from set-cookie response.
        • Added http-cookie gem.
      • Use RSS as a fallback.
  • GetCmd
    • When extracting files...
      • ignore empty filenames in the Zip for safety.
      • ask to overwrite files instead of erroring.

[v0.2.0] - 2020-04-01

First working version.


  • Gemfile.lock
  • lib/nhkore/app.rb
  • lib/nhkore/article.rb
  • lib/nhkore/article_scraper.rb
  • lib/nhkore/cleaner.rb
  • lib/nhkore/defn.rb
  • lib/nhkore/dict.rb
  • lib/nhkore/dict_scraper.rb
  • lib/nhkore/entry.rb
  • lib/nhkore/error.rb
  • lib/nhkore/fileable.rb
  • lib/nhkore/missingno.rb
  • lib/nhkore/news.rb
  • lib/nhkore/polisher.rb
  • lib/nhkore/scraper.rb
  • lib/nhkore/search_link.rb
  • lib/nhkore/search_scraper.rb
  • lib/nhkore/sifter.rb
  • lib/nhkore/splitter.rb
  • lib/nhkore/util.rb
  • lib/nhkore/variator.rb
  • lib/nhkore/cli/bing_cmd.rb
  • lib/nhkore/cli/fx_cmd.rb
  • lib/nhkore/cli/get_cmd.rb
  • lib/nhkore/cli/news_cmd.rb
  • lib/nhkore/cli/sift_cmd.rb
  • test/nhkore/test_helper.rb


  • test/nhkore_tester.rb
    • Renamed to test/nhkore/test_helper.rb

[v0.1.0] - 2020-02-24


  • .gitignore
  • Gemfile
  • LICENSE.txt
  • nhkore.gemspec
  • Rakefile
  • bin/nhkore
  • lib/nhkore.rb
  • lib/nhkore/version.rb
  • lib/nhkore/word.rb
  • test/nhkore_test.rb
  • test/nhkore_tester.rb
  • yard/templates/default/layout/html/footer.erb