
NmDatafile is a library that defines a file format that makes adding files and strings to an easy, selfencrypting file that can use either asymetric or symetric cryptography.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'nm_datafile'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install nm_datafile

Code Example

nmd = NmDatafile.new(:shippable_file)

nmd.sales = [1,2,3,4]
nmd.ready_for_shipment_batch = 1


nmd_loaded = NmDatafile::Load(path_to_file)

nmd_loaded.sales #=> [1,2,3,4]


First define a file Schema. For instance, if you wanted a file type called 'shippable_file' and you wanted it to have many records of 'sales', 'line_items', etc, and you wanted your file to have a string of data named 'ready_for_shipment_batch', then you would define it like so.

$nm_datafile_schemas = { 
  schemas: {
    :shippable_file => {
      data_collections: [:sales, :line_items, :discounts, :addresses, :ubws, :encryption_pairs], # name the data that is input into the NMDatafile as an array
      data_objects: [:ready_for_shipment_batch]

First define a schema for your NmDatafile. For instance, if you wanted a file called 'data_file' and you just wanted a "strings" attribute where you can store an array of encrypted strings, then you could set the below schema.

NmDatafile::SCHEMA = {
  schemas: {
    :data_file => {
      data_collections: [:strings], # name the data that is input into the NMDatafile as an array
      data_objects: [:file_owners_name]

That's actually the default schema, so you don't need to set it, it's located in lib/nm_datafile/schema.rb, fyi :)

Now that you've got a schema set up, you can start using your data and easily serialize data into an encrypted file format.

nmd = NmDatafile.new(:data_file)
nmd.strings #=> []
nmd.strings << "hi"
nmd.file_owners_name = "dsj"
nmd.save_to_string # This is a binary string for programmers, you can write it to a file
nmd.save_to_file('/tmp/file.zip') # this saves your strings to a file

Ok, you've done all that, but your data is visible as that it's a zip file. So to turn sneaky mode on, you'll want to


Testing Note

Some cyphers are hardcoded in the tests... so if you make changes to the crypto algo, your tests will fail until you fix this...


  • Finish algo so it uses front door keys... encryption needs to be encrypted with the front door key
  • Make it so the rails app sets up the schema file the proper way
  • Specify encryption type in file schema? (symmetric vs asymmetric)
  • Allow exporting data as a stenographic cat.jpg file.
  • Better API for adding a new schema, and better default
  • Bring in tests
  • Allow PGP to be used to encrypt the file


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/nm_datafile/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request