Module: NoBrainer::Document::Store

Extended by:
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Store gives you a way for storing hashes in a single field with accessors to the Hash keys. It is a portage of the ActiveRecord::Store which make gems using it compatible with NoBrainer.

You can then declare accessors to this store that are then accessible just like any other attribute of the model. This is very helpful for easily exposing store keys to a form or elsewhere that’s already built around just accessing attributes on the model.

Every accessor comes with dirty tracking methods (key_changed?, key_was and key_change).

You can set custom coder to encode/decode your serialized attributes to/from different formats. JSON, YAML, Marshal are supported out of the box. Generally it can be any wrapper that provides load and dump.

NOTE: The .store method is here for compatibility reason, but you should use .store_accessor instead to generate the accessor methods. Be aware that these columns use a string keyed hash and do not allow access using a symbol.

NOTE: The default validations with the exception of uniqueness will work.


class User
  include NoBrainer::Document

  store :settings, accessors: [ :color, :homepage ], coder: JSON
  store :parent, accessors: [ :name ], coder: JSON, prefix: true
  store :spouse, accessors: [ :name ], coder: JSON, prefix: :partner
  store :settings, accessors: [ :two_factor_auth ], suffix: true
  store :settings, accessors: [ :login_retry ], suffix: :config

u = 'black', homepage: '',
             parent_name: 'Mary', partner_name: 'Lily')
u.color                          # Accessor stored attribute
u.parent_name                    # Accessor stored attribute with prefix
u.partner_name                   # Accessor stored attribute with custom prefix
u.two_factor_auth_settings       # Accessor stored attribute with suffix
u.             # Accessor stored attribute with custom suffix
u.settings[:country] = 'Denmark' # Any attribute, even if not specified with an accessor

# There is no difference between strings and symbols for accessing
# custom attributes
u.settings[:country]  # => 'Denmark'
u.settings['country'] # => 'Denmark'

# Dirty tracking
u.color = 'green'
u.color_changed? # => true
u.color_was # => 'black'
u.color_change # => ['black', 'red']

# Add additional accessors to an existing store through store_accessor
class SuperUser < User
  store_accessor :settings, :privileges, :servants
  store_accessor :parent, :birthday, prefix: true
  store_accessor :settings, :secret_question, suffix: :config

The stored attribute names can be retrieved using .stored_attributes.

#=> [:color, :homepage, :two_factor_auth, :login_retry]

Overwriting default accessors

All stored values are automatically available through accessors on the NoBrainer Document object, but sometimes you want to specialize this behavior. This can be done by overwriting the default accessors (using the same name as the attribute) and calling super to actually change things.

class Song
  include NoBrainer::Document

  # Uses a stored integer to hold the volume adjustment of the song
  store :settings, accessors: [:volume_adjustment]

  def volume_adjustment=(decibels)

  def volume_adjustment

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: ClassMethods Classes: HashAccessor, IndifferentCoder, StringKeyedHashAccessor