
Northpasser is a lightweight Ruby wrapper of the Northpass API.

Northpass is a cloud based LMS system for creating online courses and training. If you're not familiar with them, go check them out! :heart:


This gem is heavily inspired by Philip Castiglione's Ruby gem for the Clubhouse API

Philip's restated philosophy on these techniques:

...A good API wrapper is a simpler alternative to a comprehensive client library and can provide a nice interface to the API using dynamic Ruby metaprogramming techniques rather than mapping functionality from the API to the library piece by piece.

This enables the wrapper to be loosely coupled to the current implementation of the API, which makes it more resilient to change. Also, this approach takes much less code and maintenance effort, allowing the developer to be lazy. A reasonable person might fairly assume this to be the true rationale behind the philosophy. They'd be right.

My "strong inspiration" is almost entirely motivated by the latter part of Philip's philosophy :)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'northpasser'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install northpasser


This gem is a lightweight API wrapper. That means you'll need to refer to the API documentation to figure out what resources and actions exist.

Instantiate an object to interface with the API:


The API can also provide responses in CSV format instead of the default JSON:

northpass =<YOUR NORTHPASS API TOKEN>, response_format: :csv)

Then, call methods on the object matching the resource(s) and action you are interested in. For example, if you want to list all available courses, you need to access the endpoint at The northpasser gem uses an explicit action:
# => {
#  "links": {
#    "self": ""
#  },
#  "data": [
#    {
#      "type": "courses",
#      "id": "72673479-ad0c-4e81-bb2f-47174ff09396",
#      "attributes": {
#        "name": "Getting Started with Pixel (Sample Course)",
#        "enrollments_count": 0,
#        "list_image_url": "",
#        "course_enrollment_link": "",
#        "share_course_link": "",
#        "permalink": "j16njpjy",
#        "created_at": "2017-11-10T20:09:53Z",
#        "updated_at": "2017-11-10T20:09:53Z"
#      },
#      "relationships": {
#        "categories": {
#          "data": []
#        },
#        "instructor_partnerships": {
#          "data": []
#        }
#      },
#      "links": {
#        "self": "",
#        "teaching": "",
#        "build": {
#          "href": "",
#          "methods": [
#            "get"
#          ]
#        }
#      }
#    }

If the endpoint you want requires parameters, say if you wanted to create a learner, you provide a hash to the action call following the resource:

northpass.learners.create(data: { type: 'people', attributes: {email: "[email protected]"} })
# => {
#  "data": {
#    "type": "people",
#    "id": "b813a22e-7442-449b-a150-d3275a2cee29",
#    "attributes": {
#      "created_at": "2018-04-06T16:05:17Z",
#      "email": "[email protected]",
#      "updated_at": "2018-04-06T16:05:17Z",
#      "unsubscribed": false
#    },
#    "links": {
#      "self": "",
#      "teaching": ""
#    },
#    "relationships": {
#      "school": {
#        "data": {
#          "type": "schools",
#          "id": "3825127e-011b-4b71-a6bb-543244406292"
#        }
#      }
#    }
#  }

If you are building a path and you make a mistake, you can clear the path:
# => []

You don't need to clear the path after a complete request, as that happens automatically.

The resources and methods are enumerated in the source code here but generally you should find the url you are interested in from the docs.


Errors are passed through from the API relatively undecorated:

northpass ="unrecognized token")
# => {
#  "errors": [
#    {
#      "status": "401",
#      "title": "Unauthorized",
#      "detail": "You don't have the necessary credentials",
#      "source": {}
#    }
#  ]


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies and following the instructions. Specifically, you can choose to provide a genuine northpass API token in the .env file. This will be important if you want to use bin/console for an interactive prompt that allows you to experiment with the gem and real API responses.

Use rake spec to run the tests. The tests don't make external requests but rather use WebMock to mock Northpass API calls. This allows you to run and develop directly against the Northpass API without needing a valid Northpass API token. If you want to play with the tests and get real API responses (perhaps to extend the suite or for a new feature) then you'll need to have an API token in the env as described above.

The current test suite is far from exhaustive and could do with some love.


Bug reports and pull requests are entirely welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.