
You advanced note manager.

Still in development. More features are coming.


What and why

noteman is a convenient CLI for managing your plain text notes. It can search by content, tags, keywords and whatever wired stuff you can think of by extending it. There are plenty of great GUI tools to do this. E.g. nvAlt, Ulysses. The motivation behind this project is to simplify the note management process into a couple of simple command lines, and at the same time, make it possible to be crafted into a power tool if you wanted by the extensiblility it provides.


Installing noteman is straightforward.

gem install noteman


The first time you run noteman by invoking the command note will generate the config file with default values. Which looks like this.

notes_in: "~/notes"
view_with: marked 2
ends_with: md
home: "~/.noteman"

The config file is stored in "~/.notemanrc".


You can always invoke note help to see a list commands. But here I will describe the basic functions that current version provides.

Capture notes

Capturing notes is as simple as:

note new

This command will open your default text editor (set in environment variable). Jot down your note, save and quit. The note will be appended onto file defined in the config capture_to.

You also can quickly jot down a one line note without opening a text editor. E.g.

note new buy milk

If you want to save an URL link with the text. Use -l or --link option.

note new watch this video -l

This will create a markdown style link.

To view what you have captured, use this command to open the inbox.

note inbox

This command will open your file with the app configured in the config file. By default it is Marked 2.

Find your notes

Searching for notes is quick and fun.

note find

This command will bring up a search bar, and a result window (don't worry, it's still CLI). Just put down your keywords, there will be a list of results displayed instantly. Navigate through them with arrow keys(up and down). Select one with Enter will open the file. Or press Esc to quit.

Get started with the code

bundle install