
NoVector is a Rails plugin automatically generates fallback bitmaps for vector images (e.g. SVG) when a client does not support them. It automatically caches the images, so the whole process only impacts performance the first time the images are viewed.

It currently supports the following vector image formats:

and the following output bitmap formats:


NoVector requires the following non-gem dependencies:

  • RSVG binaries (namely rsvg-convert)

Using NoVector


The primary method of using NoVector is through a simple JQuery script and a helper tag in your views. To use this method, simply write

<%= vector_tag asset, options %>

The asset and options arguments work precisely the same way they do for image_tag. In addition you will need to include in your applications's JavaScript. The recommended way of doing this is adding the following line in your application.js, at some place after the inclusion of JQuery:

//= require novector

Also, you will need to mount the NoVector engine in the default location by adding the following in your routes.rb:

mount Novector::Engine => '/novector'


You can also use NoVector's SVG rendering facilities directly through the following url:


where FORMAT is replaced with a supported bitmap format, ASSET is replaced by a supported vector asset, WIDTH is width in pixels, and HEIGHT is height in pixels.


NoVector is released under the MIT license, which can be found in the MIT-LICENSE file.