
Nydp::Html is the amazing HTML templating library for use with NYDP.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'nydp-html'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install nydp-html



    (render-as-textile "hello world")                   ;=> "<p>hello world</p>"
    (render-as-textile (get-some-text-from 'somewhere)) ;=> (textile-to-html (get-some-text-from 'somewhere))
    (render-as-textile "hello ~name")                   ;=> (string-pieces "<p>hello" name "<p>")


    (render-as-haml "%p hello world")                ;=> "<p>hello world</p>"
    (render-as-haml (get-some-text-from 'somewhere)) ;=> (haml-to-html (get-some-text-from 'somewhere))
    (render-as-haml "%p hello ~name")                ;=> (string-pieces "<p>hello" name "<p>")

If you want to generate a function that returns html from a string that you've stored elsewhere (in a CMS for example),

; assume 'content is the text as stored in your CMS

(mac make-renderer (name content)
  `(def ,name ()
     (textile-to-html ,(parse-in-string content))))

(make-renderer homepage "hello \~person - \"click here\":/buy-now to buy some stuff *now*")

(assign person "Cleopatra")

(homepage) ;=> returns "<p>hello Cleopatra &#8211; <a href=\"/buy-now\">click here</a> to buy some stuff <strong>now</strong></p>"

Same idea if your CMS text uses HAML markup, just use 'haml-to-html instead of 'textile-to-html. NYDP uses tilde for string interpolations, don't be inhibited:

(make-renderer homepage "hello ~(db-lookup current-user contact-info name), you have *~(shopping-cart.size)*
                         items in your shopping cart. ~(render-shopping-cart) %(call-to-action)~(buy-now-button)%")

'nydp-html also provides haml-like expressions in lisp. Here are some examples from the spec:

   (%p "hello, world")
   "<p>hello, world</p>"

   (%p "hello " (%b "you") " over " (%i "there"))
   "<p>hello <b>you</b> over <i>there</i></p>"

   (%p "hello " (%b.thick "you") " over " (%i "there"))
   "<p>hello <b class='thick'>you</b> over <i>there</i></p>"

here's a slightly more intricate example:

(%tr (map λd(%th.calendar-column d)
          '(mon tue wed thu fri sat sun)))
  <th class='calendar-column'>mon</th>
  <th class='calendar-column'>tue</th>
  <th class='calendar-column'>wed</th>
  <th class='calendar-column'>thu</th>
  <th class='calendar-column'>fri</th>
  <th class='calendar-column'>sat</th>
  <th class='calendar-column'>sun</th>


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/nydp-html/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request