Using with Models

You can extend ActiveModel-compatible models to make working with content such as images as easy as working with strings or numbers!

The examples below assume an initialized Dragonfly app, e.g.

app = Dragonfly[:images]


If you've required 'dragonfly/rails/images', then the following step will be already done for you. Otherwise:

app.define_macro(ActiveRecord::Base, :image_accessor)

defines the macro image_accessor on any ActiveRecord models.


app.define_macro_on_include(Mongoid::Document, :image_accessor)

defines the macro image_accessor on any models that include Mongoid::Document


app.define_macro(CouchRest::Model::Base, :image_accessor)

defines the macro image_accessor on any models that include CouchRest::Model::Base

Adding accessors

Now we have the method image_accessor available in our model classes, which we can use as many times as we like

class Album
  image_accessor :cover_image
  image_accessor :band_photo  # Note: this is a different image altogether, not a thumbnail of cover_image

Each accessor (e.g. cover_image) depends on a string field to actually hold the datastore uid, named by appending the suffix _uid (e.g. cover_image_uid).

For example, ActiveRecord models need a migration such as:

class MyMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration

  def self.up
    add_column :albums, :cover_image_uid, :string
    add_column :albums, :band_photo_uid, :string

  def self.down
    remove_column :albums, :cover_image_uid
    remove_column :albums, :band_photo_uid


Using the accessors

We can use the attribute much like other other model attributes:

@album =

@album.cover_image = "\377???JFIF\000\..."             # can assign as a string...
@album.cover_image ='path/to/my_image.png')  # ... or as a file...
@album.cover_image = some_tempfile                     # ... or as a tempfile...
@album.cover_image = @album.band_photo                 # ... or as another Dragonfly attachment

@album.cover_image          # => #<Dragonfly::ActiveModelExtensions::Attachment:0x103ef6128...

@album.cover_image = nil
@album.cover_image          # => nil

We can inspect properties of the attribute

@album.cover_image.width                          # => 280
@album.cover_image.height                         # => 140
@album.cover_image.number_of_colours              # => 34703
@album.cover_image.mime_type                      # => 'image/png'

The properties available (i.e. 'width', etc.) come from the app's registered analysers - see Analysers.

We can play around with the data                           # => "\377???JFIF\000\..."
@album.cover_image.to_file('out.png')             # writes to file 'out.png' and returns a readable file object
@album.cover_image.tempfile                       # => #<File:/var/folders/st/strHv74sH044JPabSiODz... a closed Tempfile object
@album.cover_image.file                           # => #<File:/var/folders/st/strHv74sH044JPabSiODz... a readable (open) File object
@album.cover_image.file do |f|                    # Yields an open file object, returns the return value of
  data =                              #  the block, and closes the file object
@album.cover_image.path                           # => '/var/folders/st/strHv74sH044JPabSiODz...' i.e. the path of the tempfile
@album.cover_image.size                           # => 134507 (size in bytes)

We can process the data

image = @album.cover_image.process(:thumb, '20x20')   # returns a 'Job' object, with similar properties
image.width                                          # => 20
@album.cover_image.width                              # => 280 (no change)

The available processing methods available (i.e. 'thumb', etc.) come from the Dragonfly app's registered processors - see Processing

We can encode the data

image = @album.cover_image.encode(:gif)   # returns a 'Job' object, with similar properties
image.format                              # => :gif
@album.cover_image.format                 # => :png (no change)

The encoding is implemented by the Dragonfly app's registered encoders (which will usually just be one) - see Encoding

We can use configured shortcuts for processing/encoding, and chain them:

@album.cover_image.thumb('300x200#ne')     # => returns a 'Job' object, with similar properties

We can chain all these things much like ActiveRecord scopes:


Because the processing/encoding methods are lazy, no actual processing or encoding is done until a method like data, file, to_file, width, etc. is called. You can force the processing to be done if you must by then calling apply.



When the model is saved, a before_save callback persists the data to the App's configured datastore (see DataStorage) The uid column is then filled in.

@album =

@album.cover_image_uid                                   # => nil

@album.cover_image ='path/to/my_image.png')
@album.cover_image_uid                                   # => nil
@album.cover_image_uid                                   # => '2009/12/05/file.png' (some unique uid, used by the datastore)


Once the model is saved, we can get a url for the image (which is served by the Dragonfly App itself), and for its processed/encoded versions:

@album.cover_image.url                           # => '/media/BAhbBlsHOgZmIhgy...'
@album.cover_image.thumb('300x200#nw').url       # => '/media/BAhbB1sYusgZhgyM...'
@album.cover_image.process(:greyscale).jpg.url   # => '/media/BnA6CnRodW1iIg8z...'

Because the processing/encoding methods (including shortcuts like thumb and jpg) are lazy, no processing or encoding is actually done.


validates_presence_of and validates_size_of work out of the box, and Dragonfly also provides validates_property.

class Album

  validates_presence_of :cover_image
  validates_size_of :cover_image, :maximum => 500.kilobytes

  validates_property :format, :of => :cover_image, :in => [:jpeg, :png, :gif]
  # ..or..
  validates_property :mime_type, :of => :cover_image, :in => %w(image/jpeg image/png image/gif)

  validates_property :width, :of => :cover_image, :in => (0..400), :message => "é demais cara!"

  # ...

The property argument of validates_property will generally be one of the registered analyser properties as described in Analysers. However it would actually work for arbitrary properties, including those of non-dragonfly model attributes.

Name and extension

If the object assigned is a file, or responds to original_filename (as is the case with file uploads in Rails, etc.), then name will be set.

@album.cover_image ='path/to/my_image.png')    # => 'my_image.png'
@album.cover_image.ext     # => 'png'

Meta data

You can store metadata along with the content data of your attachment:

@album.cover_image ='path/to/my_image.png')
@album.cover_image.meta = {:taken => Date.yesterday}!

@album.cover_image.meta      # => {:model_class=>"Album",
                             #     :model_attachment=>:cover_image,
                             #     :taken=>Sat, 11 Sep 2010}

As you can see, a couple of things are added by the model. You can also access this directly on the Job object.

app.fetch(@album.cover_image_uid).meta     # => {:model_class=>"Album", ...}

"Magic" Attributes

An accessor like cover_image only relies on the accessor cover_image_uid to work. However, in some cases you may want to record some other properties, whether it be for using in queries, or for caching an attribute for performance reasons, etc.

For the properties name, ext, size and any of the registered analysis methods (e.g. width, etc. in the examples above), this is done automatically for you, if the corresponding accessor exists.

For example - with ActiveRecord, given the migration:

add_column :albums, :cover_image_width, :integer

This will automatically be set when assigned:

@album.cover_image ='path/to/my_image.png')

@album.cover_image_width  # => 280

They can be used to avoid retrieving data from the datastore for analysis

@album = Album.first

@album.cover_image.width     # => 280    - no need to retrieve data - takes it from `cover_image_width`
@album.cover_image.size      # => 134507 - but this needs to retrieve data from the data store, then analyse

Custom Model

The accessors only require that your model class implements before_save, before_destroy and validates_each (if using validations), as well as of course the ..._uid field for storing the datastore uid.

Here is an example of a minimal ActiveModel Album model:

class CustomModel::Base

  extend ActiveModel::Callbacks
  define_model_callbacks :save, :destroy

  include ActiveModel::Validations   # if needed

  def save
    _run_save_callbacks {
      # do some saving!

  def destroy
    _run_destroy_callbacks {
      # do some destroying!


Define our image_accessor macro...

app.define_macro(CustomModel::Base, :image_accessor)

...which is used by Album:

class Album < CustomModel::Base

  def cover_image_uid=
    # ...

  def cover_image_uid
    # ...

  image_accessor :cover_image
