Oanda Ruby Client

The Oanda Ruby Client provides a simple client class to retrieve exchange rates from Oanda using the Exchange Rate API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'oanda_ruby_client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install oanda_ruby_client


Getting Started

Initialize the client as follows:

require 'oanda_ruby_client'

client = OandaRubyClient::ExchangeRatesClient.new('MY_API_KEY') # Provide your API Key as the parameter

If you store the API key in an environment variable named OANDA_RUBY_CLIENT_API_KEY, you can omit the parameter:

client = OandaRubyClient::ExchangeRatesClient.new

Get Rates

Create a request specifying the base currency as the first parameter, and any optional paramters as a hash. The keys of the optional paramters are the same as those for the Exchange Rate API:

For example, to specify a base currency of USD, a quote currency of GBP, and a date of February 11, 2015:

rates_request = OandaRubyClient::RatesRequest.new('USD', quote: 'GBP', date: '2015-02-11')

Date parameters can be specified using a string in the format of YYYY-MM-DD or by using an instance of Date:

require 'date'

rates_request = OandaRubyClient::RatesRequest.new('USD', quote: 'GBP', date: Date.new(2015, 2, 11))

Multi-value parameters (e.g., quote currency) can be specified using arrays:

rates_request = OandaRubyClient::RatesRequest.new('USD', quote: [ 'GBP', 'EUR' ], date: '2015-02-11')

Pass the rates request as a parameter into the rates method of the client:

rates_result = client.rates(rates_request)

The returning object will be an OpenStruct with the attributes base_currency (String), meta (Hash), quotes (Hash).

Get Currencies

To obtain the collection of supported currencies, use the currencies method:

currencies_result = client.currencies

The returning object will be a hash of currency codes to descriptions.

Get Remaining Quotes

For plans that have a limited number of quotes, use the remaining_quotes method to return the number of remaining quotes:

remaining_quotes_result = client.remaining_quotes

Additional Resources


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request