
The OASIS ETM format is a simple XML format for representing tables for exchange. It is used in the DocBook and NISO JATS standards.

This library provides a Ruby implementation of the OASIS Technical Resolution TR 9503:1995.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'oasis-etm'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install oasis-etm


Basic example

require 'oasis-etm'

# Parse an ETM XML file
table = Oasis::Etm::Table.from_xml(File.read('table.xml'))

# Access table attributes
puts table.frame
puts table.colsep
puts table.rowsep

# Access table content
table.tgroups.each do |tgroup|
  tgroup.colspecs.each do |colspec|
    puts "Column #{colspec.colnum}: #{colspec.colwidth}"

# Create a new table
table = Oasis::Etm::Table.new(
  frame: 'all',
  colsep: 1,
  rowsep: 1,
  tgroups: [
      cols: 3,
      colspecs: [
        Oasis::Etm::Colspec.new(colnum: 1, colwidth: '1*'),
        Oasis::Etm::Colspec.new(colnum: 2, colwidth: '2*'),
        Oasis::Etm::Colspec.new(colnum: 3, colwidth: '1*')

# Convert to XML
xml = table.to_xml

XML schema

The OASIS ETM format follows this basic structure:

<table frame="all" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
  <title>Sample Table</title>
  <tgroup cols="3">
    <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
    <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="2*"/>
    <colspec colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
        <entry>Header 1</entry>
        <entry>Header 2</entry>
        <entry>Header 3</entry>
        <entry>Cell 1</entry>
        <entry>Cell 2</entry>
        <entry>Cell 3</entry>


Test files




https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/options/OASIS/tag-library/19990315/element/oasis-table.html This is to test the OASIS exchange table model when it is namespaced from another location.


Tables extracted from https://www.iso.org/schema/isosts/cals/test/isosts_tables.cals.xml. This is to test the OASIS exchange table model when it is namespaced from another location.


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  5. Create new Pull Request

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Copyright Ribose.