
An OAuth library to interact with Twitter API v1.1, by simply calling methods on instances. The methods name is designed to be similar to Twitter's API. For example:

If you want to load home timeline for certain user, just do:

response = your_instance.home_timeline
response.each {|r| process_response(r)}

The response is a nested hash that structured the same as Twitter's response JSON.

1. Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'oauth_twitter'

Then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself use:

$ gem install oauth_twitter

2. Setup and Usage

1) Configure OauthTwitter on app initialization:

OauthTwitter::Config.setup do |c|
  c.consumer_key = "#{your_twitter_consumer_key}"
  c.consumer_secret = "#{twitter_consumer_secret}"

  # Your don't have to include following in your initializer,
  # but OauthTwitter will fallback to this url 
  # if you don't provide them in certain functions' args

  c.oauth_callback = "#{oauth_request_token_callback_address}"

2) Include OauthTwitter in your class like:

class YouClass
  include OauthTwitter

3) Implement attr_accessor in your class, so OauthTwitter could load tokens from YourClass:

class YourClass
  include OauthTwitter

  attr_accessor :oauth_token, :oauth_token_secret

4) You can start calling methods on YourClass:

you_instance = YourClass.new


Still a work in process...