Octoball - Octopus-like sharding helper library for ActiveRecord 6.1+

Octoball provides Octopus-like database sharding helpers for ActiveRecord 6.1+. This will make it easier to upgrade Rails to 6.1+ for applications using Octopus gem for database sharding with Rails 4.x/5.x.

Currently, its implementation is focusing on horizontal database sharding. However, by customizing shard key mapping, it can be applied to replication use case too.

Scope of this gem

What is included in Octoball

  • Octopus-like shard swithcing by using class method, e.g.: ruby Octoball.using(:shard1) { User.find_by_name("Alice") } User.using(:shard1).first
  • Each model instance knows which shard it came from so shard will be switched automatically: ruby user1 = User.using(:shard1).find_by_name("Bob") user2 = User.using(:shard2).find_by_name("Charlie") user1.age += 1 user2.age += 1 user1.save! # Save the user1 in the correct shard `:shard1` user2.save! # Save the user2 in the correct shard `:shard2`
  • Relations such as has_many are also resolved from the model instance's shard: ruby user = User.using(:shard1).find_by_name("Alice") user.blogs.where(title: "blog") # user's blogs are fetched from `:shard1`

What is NOT included in Octoball

  • Connection handling and configuration -- managed by the native ActiveRecord::Base.connects_to methods introduced in ActiveRecord 6.1.
  • Migration -- done by ActiveRecord 6.1+ natively.
    • Instead of using method in Octopus, you can specify the migrations_paths parameter in the config/database.yml file.
  • Replication handling -- done by ActiveRecord's role
    • round-robin connection scheduler is currently omitted.


gem "octoball"

Define the database connections in config/database.yml, e.g.:

default: &default
  adapter: mysql2
  pool: 5
  username: root
  host: localhost
  timeout: 5000
  connnect_timeout: 5000

    <<: *default
    database: db_primary
    <<: *default
    database: db_shard1

And define shards and corresponding connections in abstract ActiveRecord model class, e.g.:

class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.abstract_class = true

  connects_to shards: {
    master: { writing: :master },
    shard1: { writing: :shard1_connection },

class User < ApplicationRecord

Optionally, to use the :master shard as a default connection like Octopus, add the following script to config/initializers/default_shard.rb:

ActiveRecord::Base.default_shard = :master

Development of Octoball

Octoball has rspec tests delived from subsets of Octopus' rspec.

To run the rspec tests, follow these steps:

RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:prepare
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake spec


Octoball is released under the MIT license.

Original Octopus' copyright: Copyright (c) Thiago Pradi