A Rails engine for providing OpenID Connect authorization. Uses the openid_connect gem to turn a Rails app into an OpenID Connect provider.
Use your application as an Open ID provider.
You'll need some kind of user authentication to exist on you application first. Normally we use Devise.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'oidc_provider'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install oidc_provider
Install the support stuffs:
- an initializer
- default routes to your routes file
$ rails generate oidc_provider:install
Migrations next:
$ rails oidc_provider:install:migrations
$ rails db:migrate
Private Key
This gem signs the generated JWT (JSON Web Tokens) using a
private key that should exist at the path lib/oidc_provider_key.pem
in your
Rails application.
You can pass its passphrase using the OIDC_PROVIDER_KEY_PASSPHRASE
This gem provide a convenient way of generating one if you need it by running :
$ rails oidc_provider:generate_key
Visit: https://demo.c2id.com/oidc-client/
Click "Client details"
Copy and paste the client ID, secret, and redirection URI into your config/initializers/oidc_provider.rb
config for a new client.
Testing Provider Details
Visit: https://demo.c2id.com/oidc-client/
Click "OpenID provider details"
Put in your website as the issuer and click "Query"
You should see values generated for all 4 endpoints below.
Testing Access
Visit: https://demo.c2id.com/oidc-client/
Click "Authenticate end-user"
Click "Log in with OpenID Connect". You should see the following headings:
- OpenID authentication response
- Token response
- Provider public RSA JSON Web Key (JWK)
- ID token
- UserInfo (with your email in there)
Contribution directions go here.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
How to build this gem
gem build oidc_provider.gemspec
gem push oidc_provider-0.3.10.gem