Omie Client for Ruby

Omie client for Ruby.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'omie-client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install omie-client


To use the lib you must set the credentials to use your Omie instance. First, you need to create the keys at Omie developer page or Omie generate keys. Then, set your credentials:

require 'omie'
Omie.app_key = "app_key"
Omie.app_secret = "app_secret"

Now that the cliet is properly initialized you can start using it's functions.

The available classes of the Omie client corresponds the resources available in Omie's API.

The lib follows the same design principles of Rail's ActiveRecord. Each class provides a set of methods that perform direct calls to Omie's API and return a Plain Old Ruby Objects (PORO) for each corresponding entry. The resources' instance variables have the same portuguese names of attributes of their respective JSON payloads.

The available resources are:

  • Company (Clientes)

Ongoing Work:

  • Procut (Produtos)
  • SalesOrder (Ordem de Venda)

Future Versions:

  • PurchaseOrder (Ordem de Compra)

Company Resource

This class aims at manipulating resources available for Omie's companies, including clients and providers.

Ref: Company documentation

To create a new Company resource you can:

company = Omie::Company.create(codigo_cliente_integracao: "XPTO_INTERNAL_CODE", cnpj_cpf: '26742035000190', nome_fantasia: 'Peerdustry Tecnologia LTDA', razao_social: 'Peerdustry Manufatura Compartilhada', email: '')

# Update the email locally = ""

# Update the register on Omie

Search for a specific entry:

company = Omie::Company.find(cnpj_cpf: '26742035000190')

List all entries:

companies = Omie::Company.list
puts companies.class # Array

puts companies.count
companies.each {|c| puts c.nome_fantasia }


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome. If you want to add a new resource from the API, please open an issue first to avoid duplicated work.

Building and Testing Locally

To properly test if the gem is working properly, you can install it locally:

gem build omie-client.gemspec
gem install ./omie-client-x.y.z.gem

The x.y.z represents the version described in lib/omie/version.rb

You can make some smoke test to check if everything is ok, especially because this gem interacts with Omie API, requiring some integration tests that is not covered by the existing unit tests.

  • Open irb: sh irb
require 'omie'
=> true
=> "x.y.z"
# Default credentials provided by Omie API for tests
Omie.app_key = '1560731700'
Omie.app_secret = '226dcf372489bb45ceede61bfd98f0f1'


If everything is working fine and you have the proper credentials to upload the new version, run:

gem push omie-client-x.y.z.gem
Pushing gem to
Successfully registered gem: omie-client (x.y.z)

You may need to authenticate at rubygems first =>


See the LICENSE file.