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Globus OAuth 2.0 Strategy for the OmniAuth Ruby authentication framework, with support for OpenID Connect.

Provides basic support for authenticating a client application via the Globus service.


The usual way with Bundler: add the following to your Gemfile to install the current version of the gem:

gem 'omniauth-globus'

Then run bundle install to install into your environment.

You can also install the gem system-wide in the usual way:

gem install omniauth-globus

Getting started

Like other OmniAuth strategies, OmniAuth::Strategies::Globus is a piece of Rack middleware. Please read the OmniAuth documentation for detailed instructions:

Register a client application with Globus here.

You can then configure your client application using Omniauth or Devise and the credentials obtained from Globus:

use OmniAuth::Builder do
# in config/initializers/devise.rb
config.omniauth :globus, ENV["GLOBUS_CLIENT_ID"], 


We use rspec for unit testing:

bundle exec rspec

Follow along via Github Issues.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project
  • Write tests for your new feature or a test that reproduces a bug
  • Implement your feature or make a bug fix
  • Do not mess with Rakefile, version or history
  • Commit, push and make a pull request. Bonus points for topical branches.


omniauth-globus is released under the MIT License.