OmniAuth Roblox

OmniAuth strategy for Roblox


Add to your Gemfile

gem 'omniauth-roblox'

Run bundle install


Roblox's OAuth API is now public, although your account must be ID verified to utilize it.


An example of adding this middleware to your Rails app in config/initializers/omniauth.rb

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :roblox, ENV['RBX_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['RBX_CLIENT_SECRET']

Configuration Options

  • scope: No scopes are currently set by default, Roblox requires the openid scope at the minimum.
  • image_type: The type of image that should be returned by roblox, defaults to headshot. Allowed values: [empty string] (full body), bust, and headshot.
  • skip_image: If this is set to true, no image url will be returned.