
This is an example plugin for Onceover, The gateway drug to automated infrastructure testing with Puppet


Onceover detects plugins in all gems named onceover-*. Your plugin is then responsible for registering itself and setting up new commands, etc.

This example plugin can be installed by adding it to your Gemfile or by running the following command:

$ gem install onceover-metrics


Onceover provides plugins with built-in support for help and argument processing. Here's how to run this example:

Built-in help

$ onceover run metrics --help

Default execution

$ onceover run metrics

Option processing

$ onceover run metrics --name Wednesday
INFO   -> Hello, Wednesday!

Integration highlights


Finished (for now) - hopefully this makes writing your own plugins for Onceover easier :)


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/declarativesystems/onceover-metrics.