

Ruby cli tool to reconcile Tock and Float data.

Onena will return possible matches between Tock and Float users, clients, projects, and project/client combinations. Exact matches are excluded.

Possible matches are returned with Levenshtein distance and White similarity.


To get started, you'll need Tock and Float API keys.

For flexibility, all possible matches are returned as JSON, and filtering is done by a separate tool. The examples below using jq to filter the results.


Set the Tock API key as the environment variable TOCK_API_KEY and the Float API Key as FLOAT_API_KEY, or pass the keys as arguments. You may also set TOCK_API_ENDPOINT to override the default endpoint,

Note that the cookie generated by oauth2_proxy is used as the API key for Tock, and that no API key is required when accessing the vagrant development instance.

$ export TOCK_API_KEY=...
$ export FLOAT_API_KEY=...

Get possible project matches with a Levenshtein distance of 4 or less

$ onena | jq 'select(.type == "project" and .distance <= 4)'
  "float": "First Proj",
  "tock": "First Project",
  "distance": 3,
  "similarity": 0.8235294117647058,
  "type": "project"

Get possible user matches with a White similarity of 0.8 or greater

$ onena | jq 'select(.type == "user" and .similarity >= 0.8)'
  "float": "Christian Warden",
  "tock": "Christian G. Warden",
  "distance": 3,
  "similarity": 0.9629629629629629,
  "type": "user"

Get possible client matches with a Levenshtein distance of 3 or less

$ onena | jq 'select(.type == "client" and .distance <= 3)'
  "float": "Acme!",
  "tock": "Acme",
  "distance": 1,
  "similarity": 0.8571428571428571,
  "type": "client"

Get possible project->client matches with a Levenshtein distance of 8 or less

$ onena | jq 'select(.type == "project-client" and .distance <= 8)'
  "float": "First Proj -> Acme!",
  "tock": "First Project -> Acme",
  "distance": 4,
  "similarity": 0.8461538461538461,
  "type": "project-client"

Library Usage

Onena can also be used a ruby library.

require 'onena'

client = 'tock key ...', float_api_key: 'float key ...', tock_api_endpoint: '')

# if you set the 'TOCK_API_KEY' and 'FLOAT_API_KEY' env vars, just use:
client = { |match| match[:distance] <= 4 }
 => [{:float=>"Acme!", :tock=>"Acme", :distance=>1, :similarity=>0.8571428571428571}] { |match| match[:distance] <= 4 }
 => [{:float=>"First Proj", :tock=>"First Project", :distance=>3, :similarity=>0.8235294117647058}] { |match| match[:distance] <= 4 }
 => [{:float=>"First Proj -> Acme!", :tock=>"First Project -> Acme", :distance=>4, :similarity=>0.8461538461538461}] { |match| match[:distance] <= 4 }
 => [{:float=>"Christian Warden", :tock=>"Christian G. Warden", :distance=>3, :similarity=>0.9629629629629629}]


From the command-line:

$ gem install onena

or in your Gemfile:

gem 'onena', github: 'cwarden/onena'


This tool was developed by Christian G. Warden as a micro-purchase by 18F. For consistency with other 18F projects (and because the author has almost nil experience with Ruby) the samwise project by Alan deLevie was used as a template for the application structure.

Public Domain

This project is in the worldwide public domain.

This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 > Universal public domain > dedication.

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.