Opal Ruby wrapper of Bootbox Javascript library

The goal of this project is to wrap the Bootbox Javascript library with Opal, providing a simple Ruby interface to Bootbox functionality.

Bootbox.js is a small open source (MIT) JavaScript library which implements dialog (alert, prompt, confirm) boxes using Bootstrap modals.

To find out more about Bootbox, go to http://bootboxjs.com.

To find out more about Opal, go to http://opalrb.org


Install opal-bootbox from RubyGems:

$ gem install opal-bootbox

Or include it in your Gemfile for Bundler:

gem 'opal-bootbox'

Cloning this repository

$ git clone https://github.com/balmoral/opal-bootbox

Getting Started


opal-bootbox can be added to your opal application sources using a standard require:

# app/application.rb
require 'opal'
require 'opal-bootbox'

You need to bring your own bootbox.js or bootbox.min.js and bootstrap files

and put the files in app/ or whichever directory you are compiling assets from.

The Opal/Ruby interface is largely consistent with the Javascript interface.

See http://bootboxjs.com/documentation.html for Javascript library documentation.

Where a method expects a single callback substitute a block for the JS function.

The value for a callback: keyword argument should be a Ruby proc.

Keyword arguments should preserve the JS camelcase (e.g. className:).


$bootbox.alert('Hello world!') do
  puts 'hello world acknowledged'
  size: 'small', 
  title: 'Alert', 
  message: 'Hello world!', 
  callback: -> {puts 'hello world acknowledged'}
$bootbox.confirm('Are you sure?') do |result|
  puts "user is #{result ? 'sure' : 'unsure'}"
  size: 'small', 
  title: 'Confirmation', 
  message: 'Are you sure?'
  callback: ->(result) {
    puts "user is #{result ? 'sure' : 'unsure'}"
$bootbox.prompt('What is your name?') do |result|
  if result 
    puts "user's name is '#{result}'"
    puts "prompt dismissed"
  size: 'small', 
  title: 'Prompt', 
  message: 'What is your name?', 
  value: 'default name'),
  callback: ->(result) {
    if result 
      puts "user's name is '#{result}'"
      puts "prompt dismissed"
  # required
  message: "I am a custom dialog",

  # optional - adds a header to the dialog and places this text in an h4 
  title: "Custom title",

  # optional - allows the user to dismiss the dialog by hitting ESC
  # which will call this proc 
  onEscape: -> { puts 'user press escape' },

  # optional - whether the dialog should be shown immediately
  show: true,

  # optional - whether the dialog should be have a backdrop or not
  backdrop: true,

  # optional - whether to show a close button (default true)
  closeButton: true,

  # optional - whether to animate (default true)
  animate: true,

  # optional - an additional CSS class to apply to the Bootstrap dialog wrapper
  className: "my-modal",

  # optional - a hash of buttons to be shown in the dialog's footer
  buttons: {

    success: {
      # optional - the button label    
      label: "Success!",

      # optional - an additional CSS class to apply to the button
      className: "btn-success",

      # optional - call proc when button is clicked
      callback: -> { puts 'success!' }

    "Danger!": {
      # no label is provided so the key is used as the button label

      # optional - an additional CSS class to apply to the button
      className: "btn-danger",

      callback: -> { puts 'danger!' }

    # if the only value supplied is a callback proc, 
    # the key is used as the button label and all
    # other options are defaulted

    "Warning!": -> { puts 'warning!}

$bootbox is a global variable. Opal::Bootbox may be substituted.

Strings (text) provided as arguments to bootbox methods may be HTML format.

All methods are executed asynchronously, hence the use of callback blocks and procs.

To do

  • Documentation
  • Testing
  • snake case keywords ?

Getting involved

To contribute to this project, follow the steps below.

  1. Fork the repo ( https://github.com/balmoral/opal-bootbox/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b new-branch)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'description of commit')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin new-branch)
  5. Create a Pull Request

Contributions welcome.



Open source (MIT) licence. See https://github.com/makeusabrew/bootbox/blob/master/LICENSE.md for details.


MIT Licence. See LICENSE.txt