OpenWeather Ruby Client

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A Ruby client for the OpenWeather API v2.5 and v3.0.

Unlike other clients, including open-weather, provides a rich first class interface to OpenWeather models, structured timestamps, built-in metrics conversion for temperature and wind speed, offers more consistent error handling, and is implemented with thorough test coverage using actual OpenWeather data.

Table of Contents


Add to Gemfile.

gem 'open-weather-ruby-client'

Run bundle install.


Use an access token obtained from API Keys on the OpenWeather website after registration.

client =
  api_key: "1a2b3c4d5a6b7c8d9a8b7c6d5a4b3c2d1"

Current Weather

Returns current weather.

data = client.current_weather(city: 'London') # => OpenWeather::Models::City::Weather # => 'London'
data.dt # => Time
data.main.feels_like # => 277.73
data.main.humidity # => 81
data.main.pressure # => 1005
data.main.temp # => 282.57
data.main.temp_max # => 283.15, degrees Kelvin
data.main.temp_max_c # => 10, degrees Celcius
data.main.temp_max_f # => 50.0, degrees Farenheit
data.main.temp_min # => 281.48

Returns the current weather in metric units and Russian metadata.

data = client.current_weather(city: 'Moscow', units: 'metric', lang: 'ru') # => OpenWeather::Models::City::Weather # => 'Москва'
data.main.temp # => 12

Returns weather by city, optional state (in the US) and optional ISO 3166 country code. Names that cannot be resolved will cause the API call to raise a Faraday::ResourceNotFound error.

client.current_city('London, UK')
client.current_city('London', 'UK')
client.current_city('Albany, New York')
client.current_city('Albany, New York', 'US')
client.current_city('Albany, NY', 'US')
client.current_city('Albany', 'New York', 'US')
client.current_city('Albany', 'NY', 'US')
client.current_city('Albany', 'NY')  # 2-letter state abbreviation w/o country will raise Faraday::ResourceNotFound

client.current_weather(city: 'Albany', state: 'NY', country: 'US')

Returns weather by city ID.

client.current_city_id(2643743) # => weather in London
client.current_weather(id: 2643743) # => weather in London

Returns weather by latitude and longitude.

client.current_geo(51.51, -0.13) # => weather in London
client.current_weather(lat: 51.51, lon: -0.13) # => weather in London

Returns weather by zip code with an optional country code (defaults to US).

client.current_zip(10018, 'US') # => weather in New York, 10018
client.current_weather(zip: 10018, country: 'US') # => weather in New York, 10018

See OpenWeather::Models::City::Weather and related OpenWeather::Models for all available properties.

Current Weather for Several Cities

Collection APIs return OpenWeather::Models::List, which includes multiple instances of OpenWeather::Models::City::Weather.

Cities Within a Rectangle Zone

data = client.current_cities_geo_box(12, 32, 15, 37, 10) # => OpenWeather::Models::List # 'Birkirkara'
data.main.temp # => 16.23

You can optionally name parameters.

client.current_cities_geo_box(lon_left: 12, lat_bottom: 32, lon_right: 15, lat_top: 37, zoom: 10) # => OpenWeather::Models::List

You can use server clustering of points with cluster: true.

client.current_cities_geo_box(12, 32, 15, 37, 10, cluster: true) # => OpenWeather::Models::List

Cities Within a Circle

data = client.current_cities_geo_circle(55.5, 37.5, 10) # => OpenWeather::Models::List # 'Shcherbinka'
data.main.temp # => 276.86

You can optionally name parameters.

client.current_cities_geo_circle(lat: 55.5, lon: 37.5, cnt: 7) # => OpenWeather::Models::List

Multiple Cities by Id

data = client.current_cities_id(524901, 703448, 2643743) # => OpenWeather::Models::List # 'Moscow'
data.main.temp # => 285.15

One Call

One Call API provides current weather, minute forecast for 1 hour, hourly forecast for 48 hours, daily forecast for 7 days, historical weather data for 5 previous days for any geographical coordinate, and national weather alerts.

See OpenWeather::Models::OneCall for all available models and properties.

Current and Forecast Weather

data = client.one_call(lat: 33.441792, lon: -94.037689) # => OpenWeather::Models::OneCall::Weather # => 33.44
data.lon # => -94.04
data.timezone # => 'America/Chicago'
data.current # => OpenWeather::Models::OneCall::CurrentWeather # => Array]OpenWeather::Models::OneCall::CurrentWeather] (on base plan)
data.minutely # => Array[OpenWeather::Models::OneCall::MinutelyWeather]
data.hourly # => Array[OpenWeather::Models::OneCall::HourlyWeather]
data.daily # => Array[OpenWeather::Models::OneCall::DailyWeather]
data.alerts # => Array[OpenWeather::Models::OneCall::Alert]

Exclude minutely and hourly data.

client.one_call(lat: 33.441792, lon: -94.037689, exclude: ['minutely', 'hourly'])

Historical Weather

data = client.one_call(lat: 33.441792, lon: -94.037689, dt: - 24 * 60 * 60) # => OpenWeather::Models::OneCall::Weather # => 33.44
data.lon # => -94.04
data.timezone # => 'America/Chicago'
data.current # => OpenWeather::Models::OneCall::CurrentWeather
data.hourly # => Array[OpenWeather::Models::OneCall::HourlyWeather]

Hourly Forecast (Pro)

The Hourly Forecast API provides hourly weather forecast for 4 days. Note: This API requires a paid api-key from

data = client.client.hourly(lat: 33.5312, lon: -111.9426, appid: "<your api key>") # => OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::Hourly

data.cnt # => 96 (number of entries) # => OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::City
data.list.first # => OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::Forecast
data.list.first.dt # => Time
data.list.first.main # => OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::Main # => Array[OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::Weather]
data.list.first.clouds # => OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::Clouds or nil
data.list.first.wind # => OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::Wind or nil
data.list.first.visibility # => 10000
data.list.first.pop # => 0.1 (probability of precipitation from 0.0 to 1.0 (0% to 100%))
data.list.first.rain # => OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::Rain or nil
data.list.first.snow # => OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::Snow or nil
data.list.first.sys # => OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::Sys or nil
data.list.first.dt_txt # => String (Time of data forecasted, ISO, UTC)

30 Day Forecast (Pro)

The 30 Day Forecast API provides daily weather forecast for 30 days. Note: This API requires a paid api-key from

data = client.client.forecast(lat: 33.5312, lon: -111.9426, appid: "<your api key>") # => OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::ThirtyDay::ThirtyDay

data.cnt # => 30 (number of entries - sometimes this is 29) # => OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::City
data.list.first # => OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::ThirtyDay::Forecast
data.list.first.dt # => Time - time of data forcasted, UTC
data.list.first.sunrise # => Time - Sunrise time, UTC
data.list.first.sunset # => Time - Sunset time, UTC
data.list.first.temp # => OpenWeather::Models::Forecast::ThirtyDay::Temp
data.list.first.feels_like # => OpenWeather::Models::OneCall::FeelsLike
data.list.first.pressure # => int - Atmospheric pressure on the sea level, hPa
data.list.first.humidity # => int - Humidity, % (e.g. integer 24 means 24% cloudiness) # => Array[OpenWeather::Models::Weather]
data.list.first.speed # => double - Wind speed. Unit Default: meter/sec, Metric: meter/sec, Imperial: miles/hour
data.list.first.deg # => int - Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
data.list.first.clouds # => int - Cloudiness, % (e.g. integer 78 means 78% cloudiness)
data.list.first.rain # => double or nil - Precipitation volume, mm. Please note that only mm as units of measurement are available for this parameter
data.list.first.snow # => double or nil - Snow volume, mm. Please note that only mm as units of measurement are available for this parameter


The Stations API lets your manage personal weather stations and measurements.

Register a Station

To register a station, you can call the client method:

data = client.register_station(external_id: 'SF_TEST001', ...) # => OpenWeather::Models::Station # => '5ed2118acca8ce0001f1aeg1'
data.external_id # => 'SF_TEST001'

Alternatively, call register! on an instance of Station:

model = 'SF_TEST001', ...)
model.register! # => '5ed2118acca8ce0001f1aeg1'

List Stations

To list all stations, call the client method:

client.list_stations # => Array[OpenWeather::Models::Station]

Get Station

To get a station, call the client method:

client.get_station('5ed2118acca8ce0001f1aeg1') # => OpenWeather::Models::Station

Update Station

To update a station, call the client method:

client.update_station('5ed2118acca8ce0001f1aeg1', external_id: 'SF_TEST002') # => OpenWeather::Models::Station

Alternatively, call update! on an instance of Station:

model = 'SF_TEST001', ...)
model.update!(external_id: 'SF_TEST002')
model.external_id # => 'SF_TEST002'

Delete Station

To delete a station, call the client method:

data = client.delete_station('5ed2118acca8ce0001f1aeg1') # => nil

Create Measurements

To create measurements, call the client method:

    "station_id": -1,
    "dt": 1479817340,
    "temperature": 18.7,
    "wind_speed": 1.2,
    "wind_gust": 3.4,
    "pressure": 1021,
    "humidity": 87,
    "rain_1h": 2,
    "clouds": [
        "condition": 'NSC'
]) # => nil

Get Measurements

To get measurements, call the client method with the required parameters:

  station_id: '5ed21a12cca8ce0001f1aef1',
  type: 'd',
  limit: 100,
  from: 1469817340,
  to: 1591620047
) # => Array[OpenWeather::Models::Stations::Measurement]


You can configure client options, globally.

OpenWeather::Client.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = '1a2b3c4d5a6b7c8d9a8b7c6d5a4b3c2d1'
  config.user_agent = 'OpenWeather Ruby Client/1.0'

The following settings are supported.

setting description
api_key Required API key.
lang Default language in API responses.
units Default units in API responses.
endpoint Defaults to
user_agent User-agent, defaults to OpenWeather Ruby Client/version.
proxy Optional HTTP proxy.
ca_path Optional SSL certificates path.
ca_file Optional SSL certificates file.
logger Optional Logger instance that logs HTTP requests.
timeout Optional open/read timeout in seconds.
open_timeout Optional connection open timeout in seconds.


The OpenWeather API returns responses in standard, metric, and imperial units. You can pass units into API requests or configure the desired units globally.

data = 2643743, units: 'metric') # => 'London'
data.main.temp # => 12, degrees Celcius
OpenWeather.configure do |config|
  config.units = 'metric'

data = 2643743) # => 'London'
data.main.temp # => 12, degrees Celcius

Converting Temperature

APIs that return temperature support conversion between default, metric and imperial units, regardless of what units were requested. The following example requests current weather in metric units in Moscow. Use _k for Kelvin, _c for Celcius and _f for Farenheit.

data = client.current_weather(city: 'Moscow', units: 'metric') # => OpenWeather::Models::City::Weather

data.main.temp_max # => 12, degrees Celcius, metric as requested
data.main.temp_max_c # => 12, degrees Celcius
data.main.temp_max_k # => 285.15, degrees Kelvin
data.main.temp_max_f # => 53.6, degrees Farenheit

Converting Wind Speed

Use _mps for wind speed in meters-per-second, and _mph for miles-per-second.

data.wind.speed # => 3, in meters per second, metric as requested
data.main.speed_mph # => 6.71, miles per hour
data.main.speed_mps # 3, meters per second


The OpenWeather API returns responses in English and supports many other languages. You can pass lang into API requests or configure the desired language globally.

data = 2643743, lang: 'ru') # => 'Лондон'
OpenWeather.configure do |config|
  config.lang = 'ru'

data = 2643743) # => 'Лондон'


All errors that return HTTP codes 400-600 result in either Faraday::ResourceNotFound, Faraday::ConnectionFailed or OpenWeather::Errors::Fault exceptions.




Copyright (c) 2020, Daniel Doubrovkine

This project is licensed under the MIT License.