OpenSeadragon is a javascript library for displaying tiling images. This gem packages those assets and some Rails helpers for using them.
Add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'openseadragon'
Run bundle install:
$ bundle install
And run the openseadragon-rails install generator:
$ bundle exec rails g openseadragon:install
The generator will install the Rails helpers and openseadragon assets.
You must provide the openseadragon
npm package as an external dependency.
See for further details
This gem provides two helpers, #picture_tag
and #openseadragon_picture_tag
The #picture_tag
helper creates HTML5 .
In the simple case, a view like:
picture_tag 'page1.jpg', 'page2.jpg', 'page3.jpg'
Creates the HTML like:
<source src="page1.jpg" />
<source src="page2.jpg" />
<source src="page3.jpg" />
You can control the attributes on <picture>
and <source>
picture_tag ['page1.jpg' => { id: 'first-picture'}], 'page2.jpg', 'page3.jpg', { class: "picture-image" }, { id: 'my-picture'}
<picture id="my-picture">
<source class="picture-image" id="first-picture" src="page1.jpg">
<source class="picture-image" src="page2.jpg">
<source class="picture-image" src="page3.jpg">
If you have an OpenSeaDragon tilesource, you can use this helper to construct a HTML5 <picture>
that will render as an OpenSeaDragon tile viewer.
openseadragon_picture_tag 'page1.jpg'
<picture data-openseadragon="true">
<source media="openseadragon" src="page1.jpg" />
This gem includes some javascript that translates that markup to the OSD viewer.
As with #picture_tag
, you can provide additional options.
openseadragon_picture_tag 'page1.jpg', 'path/to/info.json', ['some-custom-tilesource' => { Image: { xmlns: "...", Url: '...', Format: 'jpg', Overlap: 2}}], { class: 'osd-image'}, { data: { openseadragon: { preserveViewport: true, visibilityRatio: 1}}}
<picture data-openseadragon="{"preserveViewport":true,"visibilityRatio":1}">
<source class="osd-image" media="openseadragon" src="page1.jpg" />
<source class="osd-image" media="openseadragon" src="path/to/info.json" />
<source class="osd-image" data-openseadragon="{"Image":{"xmlns":"...","Url":"...","Format":"jpg","Overlap":2}}" media="openseadragon" src="some-custom-tilesource" />
The src
attribute (or the JSON-encoded options given in the data-openseadragon
) are translated into an OpenSeaDragon tilesource