Class: Alias

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The REST API model object representing a domain name alias to an application.

Method Summary

Methods inherited from RestApi::Base

alias_attribute, aliased_attributes, allow_anonymous?, #as, #as=, #assign_attributes, attr_alters, #attributes=, calculated_attributes, #clone, configuration=, connection, custom_id, delete, #dup, #duplicate_errors, element_path, exception_for_code, find, find_one, get, #get, #has_exit_code?, headers, #initialize, #load, #load_remote_errors, on_exit_code, #raise_on_invalid, #reload, remote_errors_for, #remote_results, #save!, #save_with_change_tracking, shared_connection, singleton?, #to_json, translate_api_error, use_patch_on_update?, #valid?

Methods included from ActiveResource::Associations

#belongs_to, #has_many, #has_one

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from RestApi::Base

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class RestApi::Base