Release History: opentelemetry-instrumentation-sidekiq

v0.25.6 / 2024-07-02

  • DOCS: Fix CHANGELOGs to reflect a past breaking change

v0.25.5 / 2024-06-18

  • FIXED: Relax otel common gem constraints

v0.25.4 / 2024-05-09

  • FIXED: Untrace entire request

v0.25.3 / 2024-04-30

  • FIXED: Bundler conflict warnings

v0.25.2 / 2024-02-08

  • DOCS: Fix doc for sidekiq options.

v0.25.1 / 2024-02-08

  • DOCS: ✏️ Sidekiq instrumentation options

v0.25.0 / 2023-09-07

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Align messaging instrumentation operation names #648 *

    v0.24.4 / 2023-08-07

  • FIXED: Allow traces inside jobs while avoiding Redis noise

v0.24.3 / 2023-08-03

  • FIXED: Remove inline linter rules

v0.24.2 / 2023-07-21

v0.24.1 / 2023-06-05

  • FIXED: Base config options

v0.24.0 / 2023-04-17

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Drop support for EoL Ruby 2.7

  • ADDED: Drop support for EoL Ruby 2.7

v0.23.0 / 2023-02-01

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Drop Rails 5 Support

  • ADDED: Drop Rails 5 Support

v0.22.1 / 2023-01-14

  • DOCS: Fix gem homepage
  • DOCS: More gem documentation fixes

v0.22.0 / 2022-06-09

  • Upgrading Base dependency version

v0.21.1 / 2022-06-09

  • FIXED: Broken test file requirements
  • FIXED: Make sidekiq instrumentation compatible with sidekiq 6.5.0

v0.21.0 / 2022-05-02

  • ADDED: Validate Using Enums
  • FIXED: RubyGems Fallback

v0.20.2 / 2021-12-02

  • (No significant changes)

v0.20.1 / 2021-09-29

  • (No significant changes)

v0.20.0 / 2021-08-18

  • ADDED: Gracefully flush provider on sidekiq shutdown event

v0.19.1 / 2021-08-12

  • (No significant changes)

v0.19.0 / 2021-06-23

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Sidekiq propagation config
    • Config option enable_job_class_span_names renamed to span_naming and now expects a symbol of value :job_class, or :queue
    • The default behaviour is no longer to have one continuous trace for the enqueue and process spans, using links is the new default. To maintain the previous behaviour the config option propagation_style must be set to :child.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Total order constraint on span.status=

  • FIXED: Sidekiq propagation config

  • FIXED: Total order constraint on span.status=

v0.18.0 / 2021-05-21

  • ADDED: Updated API depedency for 1.0.0.rc1
  • TEST: update test for redis instrumentation refactor #760
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Remove optional parent_context from in_span

  • FIXED: Remove optional parent_context from in_span

  • FIXED: Instrument Redis more thoroughly by patching Client#process.

v0.17.0 / 2021-04-22

  • ADDED: Accept config for sidekiq peer service attribute

v0.16.0 / 2021-03-17

  • FIXED: Example scripts now reference local common lib
  • DOCS: Replace Gitter with GitHub Discussions

v0.15.0 / 2021-02-18

  • ADDED: Add instrumentation config validation

v0.14.0 / 2021-02-03

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Replace getter and setter callables and remove rack specific propagators

  • ADDED: Replace getter and setter callables and remove rack specific propagators

v0.13.0 / 2021-01-29

  • ADDED: Instrument sidekiq background work
  • FIXED: Adjust Sidekiq middlewares to match semantic conventions
  • FIXED: Set minimum compatible version and use untraced helper

v0.12.0 / 2020-12-24

  • (No significant changes)

v0.11.0 / 2020-12-11

  • FIXED: Copyright comments to not reference year

v0.10.0 / 2020-12-03

  • (No significant changes)

v0.9.0 / 2020-11-27

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Add timeout for force_flush and shutdown

  • ADDED: Add timeout for force_flush and shutdown

v0.8.0 / 2020-10-27

  • (No significant changes)

v0.7.0 / 2020-10-07

  • DOCS: Adding README for Sidekiq instrumentation
  • DOCS: Remove duplicate reference in Sidekiq README
  • DOCS: Standardize toplevel docs structure and readme

v0.6.0 / 2020-09-10

  • (No significant changes)