
Orbital Defence Engine

Making NASA FIRMS data queryable by geo-location and augmenting it with Open Weather API data

Orbital Defence Demo

Getting Started

Grab a OpenWeatherMap API key here
Grab a Nasa EarthData Api Key here
The Engine has a dependancy on pagy for pagination and geokit-rails for geo based queries. The initializer files will be created during installation only if they do not exist.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'orb_def'

And then execute:


Generate the installation files: This will create the orb_def, pagy and geokit initializers, install migrations and mount the app to '/'

rails generate orb_def:install

Run migrations:

rails db:migrate

Populate the DB with required seed information:

rails orb_def:seed_db

Import all fires with their weather readings in a rails console:


You can then hit the api/v1/search endpoint:


or you can call the fire model directly:

OrbDef::Fire.in_last_24_hours.in_bounds([sw_bound_point, ne_bound_point])
OrbDef::Fire.in_last_24_hours.within(10, origin: [latitude, longitude])
OrbDef::Fire.within(10, origin: [latitude, longitude])


Fell free to contribute by forking the repo and opening a PR.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.