Class: Origami::MetadataStream
- Includes:
- StandardObject
- Defined in:
- lib/origami/metadata.rb
Class representing a metadata Stream. This stream can contain the same information as the Metadata dictionary, but is storing in XML data.
Constant Summary
Constants included from StandardObject
Constants inherited from Stream
Constants included from Object
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Stream
Attributes included from Object
#file_offset, #generation, #no, #objstm_offset, #parent
Method Summary
Methods included from StandardObject
included, #pre_build, #version_required
Methods inherited from Stream
#[], #[]=, add_type_signature, #cast_to, #data, #data=, #decode!, #each_filter, #each_key, #encode!, #encoded_data, #encoded_data=, #filters, guess_type, #initialize, #key?, parse, #post_build, #pre_build, #set_predictor, #to_obfuscated_str, #to_s, #value
Methods included from FieldAccessor
#method_missing, #respond_to_missing?
Methods included from Object
#<=>, #cast_to, #copy, #document, #export, included, #indirect?, #indirect_parent, #initialize, #logicalize, #logicalize!, #native_type, parse, #post_build, #pre_build, #reference, #set_document, #set_indirect, skip_until_next_obj, #solve, #to_o, #to_s, #type, typeof, #version_required, #xrefs
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Origami::Stream
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Origami::FieldAccessor