Class: Ovirt::Permit

  • Object
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Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Base

#attributes, #operations, #relationships, #service

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Base

#[], all, all_xml_objects, #api_endpoint, api_endpoint, #class_suffix, create_from_xml, #destroy, element_name, element_names, find_by_href, find_by_id, find_by_name, has_first_node?, hash_from_id_and_href, href_from_creation_status_link, #initialize, #keys, #method_missing, object_to_id, #operation, parse_attribute, parse_boolean, parse_first_node, parse_first_node_with_hash, parse_first_text, parse_xml, #relationship, #reload, #replace, set_value, #update, #update!, xml_to_actions, xml_to_hash, xml_to_nokogiri, xml_to_relationships

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Ovirt::Base

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Ovirt::Base