A ruby gem to disable or enable system preference panes for macOS

Version .0.2.0 was tested on macOS 10.14. It may or may not work on other OS versions.

Version .0.1.2 was tested on macOS 10.12. It may or may not work on other OS versions.

For more usage see this blog post

To install:
sudo gem install panes
To verify:
gem list


Panes requires sudo access to read and write to the main plist file. You can run commands in two ways. From a ruby interactive shell, or running a ruby script directly from the command line.

Example 1: IRB
sudo irb
require 'panes'
Eaxmple 2: Run a ruby script from terminal

Put your commands in a ruby file and run it via the terminal. Example, create a file named "test-command.rb"



require 'panes'

Run the command from terminal:

sudo ruby test-command.rb

You must require 'panes' in your ruby file. Then you can run the command below to see all your options.


This will return:

  • CFBundleIdentifier
  • CreateProfile
  • Disable
  • Enable
  • List
  • OptionalCFBundleIdentifier
  • Options
  • Reset

Examples ...

List CFBundleIdentifiers:

puts Panes.CFBundleIdentifier

CFBundleIdentifier is a string usually in reverse DNS format, that specifies the specific app type of the bundle. Used in macOS to specify Applications.

Create a new "com.apple.systempreferences.plist":


If the file "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.systempreferences.plist" doesn't exist, it will be created.

There's no real reason to run this independently, it's used internally when the file isn't found.

Disable a Preference Pane:

The heart of this gem is the Disable method. It takes a specific CFBundleIdentifier or multiple CFBundleIdentifiers.

#to disable one Pane
#to disable multiple Panes, use comma separated list

Enable a Preference Pane:


If you decide to enable a pane after it's been disable.

List all Preference Panes:


you'll get a list of available preference panes:

  • Accounts.prefPane
  • Appearance.prefPane
  • AppStore.prefPane
  • Bluetooth.prefPane
  • and so forth ....

List Optional Preference Panes:

puts Panes.OptionalCFBundleIdentifier

These are usually Panes that have been installed by a user like Adobe Flash or Oracle Java

##### example:

  • com.adobe.flashplayerpreferences
  • com.oracle.java.JavaControlPanel

List options:


Prints available methods

Reset all changes:


This enables all panes and deletes the "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.systempreferences.plist" file