Ruby D-Bus -> ffwd
Ruby D-Bus provides an implementation of the D-Bus protocol such that the D-Bus system can be used in the Ruby programming language.
You can switch between REXML and Hpricot as XML parsers!
Still a little bumpy with multiple threads, but getting there.
This is my personal dev-fork of mvidners upstream.
If you’d like to contrib to this fork, let me know.
Most of my work here is actually for another project:
* Ruby 1.8 (>= 1.8.6?)
sudo gem install pangdudu-ruby-dbus --source=
Ruby D-Bus currently supports the following features:
* Connecting to local buses.
* Accessing remote services, objects and interfaces.
* Invoking methods on remote objects synchronously and asynchronously.
* Catch signals on remote objects and handle them via callbacks.
* Remote object introspection.
* Walking object trees.
* Creating services and registering them on the bus.
* Exporting objects with interfaces on a bus for remote use.
* Rubyish D-Bus object and interface syntax support that automatically
allows for introspection.
* Emitting signals on exported objects.
* Connection to a local or remote bus over TCP/IP using ''
* Authentification mechanisms working now: External,CookieSHA1
View a tutorial online on
TCP/Remote stuff:
Take a look at ‘config/remote.session.dbus.conf’ and start ‘config/’.
You can now try and run one of the tests e.g. ‘test/simple_socket_test.rb’.
Problems you’ll have with ‘CookieSHA1’ when using it remotely:
Unless we [including you :)] write a funkier SASL authentification mechanism that makes sense when using it over-wire, we’re stuck with the cookie auth.
Works like this:
There is a file in ‘~/.dbus-keyrings’ named ‘org_freedesktop_general’. It is ‘-rw——-’ so that only you can read it (if you change the permissions, dbus-daemon will most likely ignore the file leaving you with ‘External’, which is even worse remotely). It’s kind of a secret key you use to auth against yourself later on.
If you take a look at ‘dbus/auth.rb line 40+’ you’ll see the problem:
# Search cookie file for id
path = File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.dbus-keyrings', context)
So if you’re starting ‘config/’ on one host and ‘config/’ on another one, you’ll need to make sure that the content in ‘~/.dbus-keyrings/org_freedesktop_general’ is the same on both machines, in order for the ‘CookieSHA1’ auth to work.
Not cool. I can think of hacks with nfs,smb or fuse:sshfs making it less painful to use.
The file content also get’s updated every 5 minutes (when a client fails to auth etc.). Making copy and paste from one shell to another very frolic.
Hackish solution from pangdudu/robots/lib/robots_agent.rb
#because dbus remote auth still betrays us, we need to hack it
if @config[:robots_socket_name].include? "tcp:"
af, port, daemon_name, daemon_addr = (Socket::getaddrinfo(@config[:daemonhost],@config[:daemonhost].to_i)).first
ilog "Trying to get/hack remote cookie from: #{daemon_name}."
= "#{ENV['HOME']}/.dbus-keyrings/org_freedesktop_general"
#oki, the scp magic only works, if you use sshkeys
`scp #{daemon_addr}:.dbus-keyrings/org_freedesktop_general #{}`
if File.exist?
dlog "Got cookie: #{.gets}"
elog "Oops, something is wrong."
dlog "Nothing to hack, boring."
in principle, this is ok. we can now do what we want and it is save to exchange cookies over a ssh session. However I’m still not feeling comfortable doing this. I guess everything else would mean touching the reference C dbus-daemon implementation.
more infos:
Ruby D-Bus is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.