Panmind Usage Tracker Server

What is it?

An EventMachine-based server that opens an UDP socket and sends out received data to a database

Does it work?

Yes, we are using it in production.


  • Install the gem on the target machine and run it with this command:

    $ usage_tracker [environment]

If you run it into a Rails.root it will log and write pids in canonical dirs.

or can be put under Upstart using the provided configuration file located in config/usage_tracker_server_upstart.conf. Check it out and modify it to suit your needs.

The daemon logs to usage_tracker_server.log if the log directory exists and rotates its logs when receives the USR1 signal.

  • The daemon writes its pid into

  • The daemon can be configured to work with couchdb or mongodb adapter. Look at the sample configuration file for hints.

  • If the daemon cannot start, e.g. because of unavailable database or listening address, it will print a diagnostic message to STDERR, log to usage_tracker.log and exit with status of 1.

  • The daemon exits gracefully if it receives the INT or the TERM signals.