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Browse changes to records when using Ruby on Rails and the paper_trail gem.

Screenshot thumbnail showing the webapp


Add paper_trail_viewer to your bundle and add the following line to your config/routes.rb:

mount PaperTrailViewer::Engine => '/changes'

You can pick any path. Restart the server and go to the chosen path to view your versions.

To limit access, do something like this:

authenticate :user, ->*{ |u| u.superadmin? } do
  mount PaperTrailViewer::Engine => '/changes'


Put configuration in config/initializers/paper_trail_viewer.rb.

E.g. for linking (or not) to the whodunnit user with a custom path helper:

PaperTrailViewer.user_path_method = :admin_path # default is :user_path
PaperTrailViewer.user_path_method = nil # don't link to the user

Other options are:

  • PaperTrailViewer.allow_rollback (default is true)
  • PaperTrailViewer.data_source (default is ActiveRecord)



  • Clone the repository
  • Go into the directory
  • Run bin/setup to install Ruby and JS dependencies

Running tests

bundle exec rake


This program is provided under an MIT open source license, read the LICENSE.txt file for details.

To Note:

This project started as a fork of PaperTrailManager, which was originally developed by Igal Koshevoy, Reid Beels, and Micah Geisel.