Partial Path Customizer

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Partial Path Customizer allows you to override #to_partial_path for a Rails model at runtime.

Installation & Upgrading

This gem is a railtie and is meant to be used with Rails. It is tested with versions of Rails down to 3.2.

Partial Path Customizer is recommended to be run as a gem and included in your Gemfile:

“by gem ‘partial_path_customizer’


Partial path customizers provides a helper method to automatically set the partial path for the object you want to render. Here is how you would render an object normally.

“b <%= render @bike %>

This would render the bikes/bike partial. Now if you want to customize the partial path, use the customize_partial_path like this.

“b <%= render customize_partial_path(@bike, ‘summary’) %>

This renders the bikes/summary partial instead. The partial path with this helper is generated by the object’s model_name pluralized.

Heterogenous collections

This is also very useful for rendering heterogenous collections with custom partial paths. For example, if you have this collection:


Somewhere in the controller

@listings = [,,]

and render it like this

“b <%= render @listings %>

it will render the partials bikes/bike, wheelsets/wheels, and bikes/bike. If you would like the partial names to to be rendered like bikes/summary, wheelsets/summary, and bikes/summary, you can do this

“b <%= render customize_partial_path(@listings, ‘summary’) %>

Customizing partial_path generation

If you need to further customize how the partial path is generated, you can pass a callable object in as the second argument. The callable object will receive a reference to the model when it’s #call method is called.

“by <%= render customize_partial_path(@bike, ->(model){ “#modelmodel.classmodel.class.model_namemodel.class.model_name.singular/#modelmodel.status_summary” })

That would allow you to generate a partial path like bike/sold_summary.

Note: This is a low-level API and the higher level customize_object_partial_path(<object>, <partial_name>) should be used in most cases.


Partial Path Customizer is Copyright © 2014 Animas Code Labs. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.