Class: PathMapper::DirNode

  • Object
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Node::Dir, Node::Dir::Erb, Reloader
Defined in:

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes included from Node::Dir::Erb


Attributes included from Node::Base

#name, #path

Attributes included from Node::Base::File


Method Summary

Methods included from Reloader


Methods included from Node::Dir::Erb


Methods included from Node::Dir

#f, #method_missing, #with_file_node

Methods included from Node::Dir::Grep

#grep, #grep_dirs, #grep_files

Methods included from Node::Base

#initialize, #parent

Methods included from Helpers

#kwargs, #with_line_separator

Methods included from Helper::Storage

#delete_storage_branch, #deleted_files, #storage, #storage_file_delete, #storage_file_tree, #storage_tree

Methods included from Helper::Logger

#logger, #logger=, #with_logger

Methods included from Helper::Debug

#dry_run, #dry_run=, #with_dry_run

Methods included from Node::Base::Representation

#any?, #bool, #dir?, #empty?, #file?, #float, #inspect, #int, #json, #lines, #nil?, #node?, #raw_value, #to_pathname, #to_s, #to_str, #value

Methods included from Node::Base::File

#_append!, #_create!, #_delete!, #_override!, #_put!, #_remove_line!, #_rename!, #_safe_put!, #check, #compare_with, #custom_diff, #diff, #md5, #method_missing

Methods included from Node::Base::Grep

#grep, #grep_dirs, #grep_files

Methods included from Node::Dir::Representation


Methods included from Node::Dir::File

#_create!, #_delete!, #_override!, #_rename!, #md5

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class PathMapper::Node::Dir