
The pavement_condition_index gem is a tool for generating Pavement Condition Inventory (PCI) scores for assessed sections of pavement. This gem follows the ASTM Standard Practice for Forads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pavement_condition_index'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pavement_condition_index


To start using the pavement_condition_index gem, first you will need pavement distress data from a series of sample surveys from within a section of pavement. Once these samples have been assessed, one simply needs to create a SectionConditionSurvey object that contains SampleUnitConditionSurveys representing the pavement section and its samply surveys respectively. Once this is complete, you can now call various methods on your SectionConditionSurvey to the final PCI score, or even the intermediate values used to calculate the PCI if you would like to double check the process.

Example Code:

@asphalt_sample_survey ={
  area: 2500,
  distresses: [
    {severity: :low, type: :alligator_cracking, quantity: 5},
    {severity: :low, type: :alligator_cracking, quantity: 4},
    {severity: :low, type: :alligator_cracking, quantity: 4},
    {severity: :high, type: :alligator_cracking, quantity: 8},
    {severity: :high, type: :alligator_cracking, quantity: 6},
    {severity: :low, type: :edge_cracking, quantity: 32},
    {severity: :low, type: :edge_cracking, quantity: 15},
    {severity: :low, type: :edge_cracking, quantity: 18},
    {severity: :low, type: :edge_cracking, quantity: 24},
    {severity: :low, type: :edge_cracking, quantity: 41},
    {severity: :medium, type: :joint_reflection_cracking, quantity: 20},
    {severity: :medium, type: :joint_reflection_cracking, quantity: 15},
    {severity: :medium, type: :joint_reflection_cracking, quantity: 35},
    {severity: :medium, type: :joint_reflection_cracking, quantity: 27},
    {severity: :medium, type: :joint_reflection_cracking, quantity: 23},
    {severity: :medium, type: :joint_reflection_cracking, quantity: 10},
    {severity: :medium, type: :joint_reflection_cracking, quantity: 13},
    {severity: :high, type: :patching_and_utility_cut_patching, quantity: 12},
    {severity: :high, type: :patching_and_utility_cut_patching, quantity: 10},
    {severity: :low, type: :potholes, quantity: 1},
    {severity: :low, type: :rutting, quantity: 4},
    {severity: :low, type: :rutting, quantity: 9},
    {severity: :low, type: :rutting, quantity: 8},
    {severity: :low, type: :weathering, quantity: 250}

@concrete_sample_survey ={
  area: 2500,
  number_of_slabs: 20,
  distresses: [
    {severity: :high, type: :joint_seal_damage, quantity: 123}, # joint_seal_damage has no 'quantity'
    {severity: :low, type: :corner_break, quantity: 3},
    {severity: :medium, type: :corner_break, quantity: 1},
    {severity: :medium, type: :divided_slab, quantity: 3},
    {severity: :medium, type: :patching_small, quantity: 4},
    {severity: :medium, type: :punchouts, quantity: 2},
    {severity: :low, type: :spalling_corner, quantity: 6},
    {severity: :high, type: :spalling_joint, quantity: 1},

@section_survey ={
  sample_unit_condition_surveys: [
  total_number_of_sample_units: 30

# => 49

# =>'Poor'

# => 'fc2e1f'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.