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A static site builder. It will punch your HTML... with love.
Look, I know there are a bajillion site generators already, but this one is
mine and it does what I want. For starters, it's simple and hackable. The
actual codebase is quite small. Barring some mis-organisation on my part it
should be readable enough. Secondly, it abandons the idea of magic and instead
asks users to be explicit about what they are generating. This allows for
reuse of content across a site and other clever tricks.
* Explicitly link content to templates and output paths, allowing reuse
* Use any templating language supported by Tilt, but see caveats below
* Generate pages from any source -- CSV files, DB contents, web API calls
QUICK START -- assuming Pekky is installed
$ pekky --generate word_up
$ cd word_up
$ pekky --server
See pekky --help for more info
* Get specs up to speed
* Compile stylesheets with less or sass
* Compile javascripts with Coffee
* Not actually finished soz
* Windows support with cygwin only. If someone wants to fix this, that’s cool,
but I’m lazy.
* Limited Mustache support. It won’t play with arbitrary contexts.
* May potentially be slow