
A travis compatible minimal CI solution built in ruby

Behind the scenes perkins uses a slightly modified version of travis-build library and uses Travis-yaml gem to parse the .travis.yml files on existing repos. Also it integrates the Log.js library to display the build log the same way Travis does.

screen shot 2015-04-14 at 7 02 02 pm

Said that, big kudos to Travis team for open sourcing those components and save us months of work.

Why not use Travis open source app ?

Travis code is undoubtedly a piece of art, but at the same time is a complex application, made of several components, at least 8, with a service-oriented architecture. That's great! but for personal use or for a small teams it's difficult to manage many applications for a single task, so we prefer to use a monolithic, lightweight solution to run our specs, in a Travis compatible way, yay!


Perkins is at experimental fase, use at your own risk.


  • Github webhook receiver.
  • Github status sender from builds.
  • Github repo selector from user & organizations.
  • .travis.yml detection.
  • Concurrent builds.
  • Build support for ruby (supports bundler and rvm or chruby).
  • Build support for Go.
  • Addition of more languages should be trivial thanks to travis-build.
  • Badge generation through service.


gem install perkins


perkins server config.rb --port=3000


bundle exec perkins server config.rb --port=3000


configuration file for perkins to run.

Perkins.application do |app|
  config do |c|
    c.sse_endpoint         = ENV['ENDPOINT']
    c.port                 = ENV['PORT']
    c.redis                = {host: "localhost"}
    c.database             = File.expand_path("../path/to/database.yml", __FILE__)
    c.github_client_id     = ENV['GITHUB_CLIENT_ID']
    c.github_client_secret = ENV['GITHUB_SECRET']

Config oauth app in github


To set the webhook for a repo you can go to github repo admin or visit a perkins repo on


When Perkins runs a build it will search for a travis.yml file on the root of your repository, so existing repos with that file will just work.

You can read more info about build config at:


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request