PhocoderRails is a rails engine that makes it incredibly easy to integrate your rails app with the Phocoder image processing service.
Add this to your Gemfile:
gem "phocoder-rails", :require => 'phocoder_rails'
And then run:
bundle install
Then you need to generate a config file and a migration for tracking job status.
rails g phocoder_rails:setup
create db/migrate/xxxxxxxx_create_encodable_jobs.rb
create config/phocodable.yml
Base Configuration
- Setting storage mode
- Setting processing mode (foreground / background processing)
- Other?
Generating a new model & scaffolding
Letting PhocoderRails generate a new model and scaffold for you is probably the easiest way to get started and to get a feel for how Phocoder works.
rails g phocoder_rails:scaffold image_upload
create db/migrate/20120731022844_create_image_uploads.rb
create app/models/image_upload.rb
create app/models/image_upload_thumbnail.rb
create app/helpers/image_uploads_helper.rb
create app/controllers/image_uploads_controller.rb
create app/views/image_uploads
create app/views/image_uploads/_form.html.erb
create app/views/image_uploads/index.html.erb
create app/views/image_uploads/new.html.erb
create app/views/image_uploads/show.html.erb
route resources :image_uploads, :except=>[:edit,:update]
Then run
rake db:migrate
Updating an existing model
You can also update an existing model. First generate a migration that will add some extra columns to your table.
rails g phocoder_rails:model_update my_model
You should read the migration after it is generated to make sure that it makes sense within the context of your model.
Then run
rake db:migrate
Then you should make sure that your form is set up for multi part encoding, and that you have a file_field
in your form named file
<%= f.file_field :file %>
Model Configuration
PhocoderRails allows you to easily set up your image processing in a simple declarative style. The
method hooks phocoder-rails into your model and allows you to easily decalre multiple
thumbnails that will be generated any time a new model record is created. Thumbnails can include cropping,
framing, and annotations.
Here's an ImageUpload class that shows and example of how to use acts_as_phocodable
class ImageUpload < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_phocodable :thumbnail_class => "ImageUploadThumbnail",
:thumbnails => [
{:label=>"small", :width=>100, :height=>100, :aspect_mode => 'crop'},
{:label=>"medium", :width=>400, :height=>400, :aspect_mode => 'preserve',
:frame=>{ :width=>20, :bottom=>50, :color=>'003' },
{:text=>"Annotation Testing",:pointsize=>30,:fill_color=>'fff',:gravity=>"South",:y=>10},
This will result in two 'thumbnail' images being created every time a new image is uploaded. One will be exactly 100x100 square, and the other one will be scaled proportionally to fit inside 400x400, with a 20 pixel border on top, left, and right, and a 50 pixel border on bottom, with text annotations added on top and on the bottom of the image.
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