
Gem Version Gem

Phoenix Pretty CLI Use Phoenix Framework with the same friendly rails interface

Alt Text


  1. Install via rubygems
gem install phoenix-cli

Command List

Command Description Phoenix equivalent
install Install Phoenix Framework -
new APP_PATH Create new Phoenix application mix
deps Install the Phoenix dependencies mix deps.get
server Start the web server mix phoenix.server
console Start Phoenix console iex -S mix
routes Show Phoenix routes mix phoenix.routes
version Get current CLI version -

Run phoenix for more options

Generators List

  1. You can use generators with the following syntax
phoenix generate GENERATOR_NAME
Command Description Phoenix equivalent
scaffold Generate Full set of model, view, database migration for that model, controller mix phoenix.gen.html
api Generate Full model, view in json, database migration for that model, controller mix phoenix.gen.json
json Alias for api command mix phoenix.gen.json
model Generates an Ecto model in your Phoenix application. mix phoenix.gen.model
channel Generates a Phoenix channel mix
presence Generates a Presence tracker for your application mix phoenix.gen.presence
secret Generates a secret and print it to the terminal mix phoenix.gen.secret

Database Commands

Command Description Phoenix equivalent
db:create Create database mix ecto.create
db:migrate Run database migrations mix ecto.migrate
db:drop Drop database mix deps.drop
db:dump Dumps the current environment’s database mix ecto.dump


When hacking on this gem, the REPL pry comes in handy. You can load the contents of the gem with pry --gem.

To test the CLI, run

ruby -Ilib bin/phoenix-cli


Phoenix CLI is released under the MIT License.