Class: Quanty

Phys::Quantity show all
Defined in:


Compatibility to Quanty, the former name. Activated by:

requie "phys/units/quanty"

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Phys::Quantity

#expr, #unit, #value

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Phys::Quantity

#%, #*, #**, #+, #+@, #-, #-@, #/, #<, #<=, #<=>, #==, #===, #>, #>=, [], #abs, #abs2, #ceil, #close_to, #coerce, #div, #divmod, #floor, #initialize, #inspect, #quo, #remainder, #round, #to_base_unit, #to_f, #to_i, #to_numeric, #to_r, #to_s, #truncate, #want

Methods included from Phys::UnitsNumericMixin

#call, #method_missing, #method_missing_units_alias

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Phys::Quantity

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Phys::UnitsNumericMixin