Pigtail is a Ruby gem that provides a clear syntax for writing configurations.


$ gem install pigtail

Or with Bundler in your Gemfile.

gem 'pigtail'

Getting started

$ cd /apps/my-great-project
$ pigtailize .

This will create an initial config/pigtail.rb file for you.

Example config/pigtail.rb file

Pigtail ships with three pre-defined config types: command, runner, and rake. You can define your own with config_type.

config_type :sports, <<-YAML
  - category: :task
    place: :place
    log: :log
      - http://www.example.com/ski_1.rss
      - http://www.example.com/ski_2.rss
set :log, "/path/to/my/sports.log"

to "foo/bar" do
  sports "ski", {
    place: "/japan/nagano"

Would configure global: foo to "/bar/buzz". :task is always replaced with the first argument, and any additional hash arguments are replaced with the options passed in or by variables that have been defined with set.

The pigtail command

$ cd /apps/my-great-project
$ pigtail

This will simply show you your config/pigtail.rb file converted to cron syntax. It does not read or write your crontab file. Run pigtail --help for a complete list of options.


Pigtail is based heavily on Whenever.


A whale!
Down it goes, and more, and more
Up goes its tail!

-Buson Yosa

Compatible with Ruby 1.8.7-2.2.0, JRuby, and Rubinius. Build Status

Copyright © 2015 Nab Inno