pipe2me client

This is the ruby client for the pipe2me server package. The pipe2me client lets you publish local services to the public internet with the help and orchestration of a pipe2me server. For more details see pipe2me


The pipe2me-client works with ruby 2.0. It might work with older rubies also. To install it run

gem install pipe2me-client
# optional: install man page
sudo cp doc/pipe2me.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1

If you are managing a box with a system-wide ruby installation you must install it via

sudo gem install pipe2me-client

Verify the installation with

which pipe2me


Mini-example: This registers two tunnels with a single hostname for two services on localhost (http on port 9090, https on port 9091).

# Setup tunnels. This responds with the domain name
> <b>pipe2me setup --protocols http,https \
       --server http://test.pipe2.me \
       --token review@pipe2me --ports 9090,9091</b>

# Review the assigned URLs:
> <b>cat pipe2me.info.inc | grep URL</b>

# Start the tunnels via foreman (but please review on using foreman)
> <b>pipe2me start</b>

See also the example session and the man page.


Tests are implemented using roundup. To install roundup on OSX, run brew install roundup. Other systems are supported as well, compare roundup's documentation for details.

The implemented tests are integration tests in the sense, that they test the behaviour of the pipe2me-client package in connection to an external pipe2me server. That means you should run a pipe2me server on your local machine. Note that the server must be configured to support test mode. (In test mode a pipe2me server accepts test auth tokens, that create short lived tunnels with self-signed certificates.)

To run the tests against a locally installed test server run rake. Note that the local test server is expected at "pipe2.dev:8080". You might have to adjust the /etc/hosts file to add an entry    pipe2.dev

Before submitting a pull request you should also run a test against the test.pipe2.me instance, which is available most of the time for that purpose. To do that, run rake test:release.

Tunnel tokens

As ports and domain names are sparse resources the pipe2me server API requires the use of authorization tokens when requesting a tunnel. A token is similar to a 'currency' in that it describes which tunnels are supported. A token could limit the number of ports that can be tunnelled, the amount of traffic for those ports, whether or not a certificate is self-signed or signed by a regular CA, etc.

The features of a token are not defined within this protocol. However, there has to be one. Contact the administrator of the pipe2me server to know more.

A freshly installed pipe2me server comes with a number of preconfigured tokens. Of course, a server admin should (and probably would) change those tokens. However, as a test target, the pipe2me test server at http://test.pipe2.me supports these tokens:

  • test@pipe2me: this builds tunnels that are available for 5 minutes. The test token is intended for use with automated test scenarios.
  • review@pipe2me: this builds tunnels that are available for up to one day. A review token should help you get a feel for the pipe2me package.

If you need a longer lived token for development, review and/or test feel free to contact us at contact@kinko.me.


The pipe2me client software is (c) The Kinko Team, 2014 and released to you under the terms of the MIT License (MIT), see COPYING.MIT for details.

The subdirectory lib/vendor contains third-party code, which is subject to its own copyrights. Please see the respective source files for copyright information.

(c) The kinko team, 2014