a simple and extensible command line file generator
command line tools are almost always faster than any gui or web interface
the idea of using a code generator to generate as much of itself as possible is appealing
at this stage, you need to clone the repository and put the bin directory on the path. i’ll turn this into a gem as soon as piv can generate a gemspec.
piv ruby foo
this will create a foo ruby project together with the standard folders and files that i’d usually create for a ruby project
ruby flavour
once you’ve generated a ruby project you can use various generators
piv class foo bar baz
this will create a Foo::Bar::Baz class, an associated spec and open both in a text editor (hardcoded to sublime text 2 at the moment)
piv module foo bar baz
this will create a module instead of a class and a spec and open both in a text editor
piv destroy foo baz
this will destroy Foo::Bar::Baz (and any associated files)
future plans
add gem related commands for ruby flavour
add other flavours (clojure? python? make up a whole new language?)
editor should be configurable
write some damn specs