= Plant Watchdog



A watchdog for your technical plant, e.g. a photovoltaic generator. The plant
watchdog listens to data loggers, which continuously upload measurements of
plant parameters. Based on that data the watchdog creates reports about the
operational status.


The vision of this software is to
* allow data logger devices to continuously upload time series measurements
* store and distribute measurement data
* run user defined aggregations and analyses on the data
* provide customizable HTML reports including visual diagrams
* find deviations from regular operation and send alarms if necessary


* Ruby 1.8.7 and a database supported by active record, e.g. MySQL or SQLite


gem install plantwatchdog

For more details see http://wiki.github.com/mbarchfe/plantwatchdog/installation.
In particular you will find a guide on how to set up a sample scenario.


GPL v3