Playwire CLI 0.1.0

Playwire CLI helps you to automate onboarding tasks and avoid error-prone situations during Playwire SDK integration. It is built with Ruby and it will be installable with the default Ruby available on macOS.


Follow these steps to install the Playwire CLI to your machine:

  • Install the Playwire gem, run the next command in a terminal window.

    $ sudo gem install playwire
  • Verify installation by running the version command.

    $ playwire version


Open a terminal window, move to your project directory and run the following commands.


SKAdNetwork items

The command downloads a set of required SKAdNetwork items, seeks for the project’s Info.plist file and modifies it. By default, this command analyzes your Podfile to detect a target where Playwire SDK dependency is used and which Info.plist should be modified.

$ playwire ios sk_ad_network_items

You can optionally specify the --plist option, which will set your custom Info.plist path.

$ playwire ios sk_ad_network_items --plist "path/to/Info.plist"


The command downloads the pub’s config file, extracts gamAppId, seeks for the project’s Info.plist file and modifies it. You must provide publisher and app ids to run this command, make sure you have the metadata or contact Playwire Contact Manager to receive these ids. By default, this command analyzes your Podfile to detect a target where Playwire SDK dependency is used and which Info.plist should be modified.

$ playwire ios gam_app_id --pub_id "00000" --app_id "123"

You can optionally specify the --plist option, which will set your custom Info.plist path.

$ playwire ios gam_app_id --pub_id "00000" --app_id "123" --plist "path/to/Info.plist"


The command downloads the pub’s config file, extracts gamAppId, seeks for the project’s AndroidManifest.xml file and modifies it. You must provide publisher and app ids to run this command, make sure you have the metadata or contact Playwire Contact Manager to receive these ids.

$ playwire android gam_app_id --pub_id "00000" --app_id "123"

You can optionally specify the --manifest option, which will set your custom AndroidManifest.xml path.

$ playwire android gam_app_id --pub_id "00000" --app_id "123" --manifest "path/to/AndroidManifest.xml"


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.